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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. The guy was a genius, he knew just how to make computing part of the normal person's life and not just the technically savvy.
  2. No, but I did go into the Family/handicapped restroom because there was a line for the men's. I had no idea that they had that bathroom and that it is so huge! Have you ever fallen asleep in one class and wake up during a completely different class? (Extra Credit: Was the class you woke up in having a quiz and you were so embarrassed that you took the quiz?)
  3. There's that great voice! It's been a while since I've heard you Skip, good to see you getting out there. I hope you're having a blast.
  4. I don't know what you are talking about...
  5. No, but I have staged a battle between a praying mantis and a black widow. Have you ever accidentally tried to board a plane that wasn't your flight?
  6. Please don't post on ban/unban topics unless you are the banned or the admin banning.
  7. You are permanently banned, I'll wait a bit for the banning admin to respond, if there is no response I'll unban you.
  8. Dick's Burgers are the best! Yes, that image is huge... thanks google.
  9. I think the hardest part would be to knock down the 9 and leave the right pin standing.
  10. I don't get how some of you listen to multiple songs at once, that must sound pretty insane.
  11. Nice video! I'm still disappointed in myself for sleeping through the event.
  12. Ten Million Slaves - Otis Taylor
  13. Speaking of Ellen...
  14. Better to get a blue screen crash instead of a crash without the blue screen, it means your computer knows something went wrong, it sucks when it doesn't know, then things start to break...
  15. Hahaha, you just noticed? Made the changes a few weeks ago. Here's the List of forum ranks and the number of posts you need to achieve them.
  16. Ever wondered how your network actually works? Amazing!
  17. Glad I opened this during class... couldn't click the back button fast enough, thanks Evo. Happy birthday though Mamora.
  18. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...c=11643&hl= Cool your jets, it wasn't deleted, moved or changed ya goof. And your NSFW warning is after the link.
  19. My mom likes to sneak up on me while I'm on my computer and scare the crap out of me. She wonders why I lock my door.
  20. Haha, indeed. Moderators have the ability to change topic titles. That's Staff Sergeants and up, get to work mods. I know anything Zahl or Stone posts should be avoided when in a public place, but I'm genuinely surprised sometimes by the content of these topics and I can't leave the topic fast enough.
  21. We might need NSFW warnings on some of these topics.... I just know people are looking at me screen during class, and god forbid the professor takes a look at the student screens. If you KNOW that your topic is going to be NSFW, please add that to the topic title. True, I shouldn't be looking at the forums during class, but that's besides the point.
  22. Zelda or Mario, most memorable.
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