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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Yogurt?
  2. You mean Dillon?
  3. These should help Have you looked at your add/remove program tool? Your system search function works as well, search all files and folders but leave the search field blank, then organize by size.
  4. Happy Birthday, my gift to you is Engle saying happy birthday twice.
  5. Congrats!
  6. It looks like the server stopped sending data before you were finished loading the page, either interpreted or just timed out. Have you tried reloading the page? Also, the link that takes you to the most recent post exists even without having "worded links." Normally, it's the little orange box before the title of the topic.
  7. But where's the Rum gone?
  8. Could have been during the Korean War... Unfortunately, I don't have any good war stories in my family (that I've heard). On my mom's side, my grandfather was in Vietnam, but he died before I was born. All I know is from what my grandmother told me, he was a grunt in the Army, they dropped him and a bunch of other grunts in the jungle and told them to kill as many VC as they could until they were picked back up. That and burning ticks off with cigarettes. On my dad's side of the family, my grandfather was in an Internment Camp in California with his family during WWII. He died when I was a baby, so no stories passed on there either. My aunt said they were making a movie about him, but that was years ago, and I haven't heard anything else about that.
  9. Perma-banned already.
  10. I wish I had a job. Sitting in C++ class glazing over while listening to the lecture about Pass-By-Pointers... You get paid to be bored, I have to pay to be bored.
  11. Quit picking on Dramafoxx, he shops at McDonalds.
  12. Rostropovich has your Mongolians beat:
  13. You might have missed it, but that's not a violin...
  14. Not too much you can do aside from upgrading your plan with your current provider or getting a new provider altogether. You can limit the number of downloads you have running at one time on your network, but that's kind of obvious.
  15. See what boredom in networking class does. Hey, at least it's semi-related.
  16. Upgraded to Permanent.
  17. Happy Birthday!!
  18. What a douche, the interviewer is asking him questions that he doesn't like so he pulls "I want to thank god for this victory..." and "I want to thank those that bought pay-per-view." It's 'players' like him that ruin sports for me.
  19. This one is almost funnier. And I'm not Maj. Parker.
  20. With pigeons!
  21. Magoo: "Who says rainbows are gay?" Magoo: "Those are fun colors, not gay colors"
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