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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. US servers, of course.
  2. Haha, you have no idea.
  3. *Salute*
  4. If it's just turning off, you might be shorting your power supply...
  5. I love world of tanks events. 5x experience!
  6. I guess nobody else uses BackTrack. I've heard of it, but that because I'm a computer science major, I've never actually used it.
  7. My friends went to PAX Prime too.
  8. ZOMBIE!
  9. The only thing missing in that video was Engle's death cry. He was probably screaming the vent the whole time you recorded that, hahaha.
  10. Remember the boat times?
  11. Sounds like Old Gregg
  12. Looks like Stone has a new recipe to add to the newsletter.
  13. Not sure which ID provided needed the ban... I checked HLStats and it looks like it's the second one, so I've perma-banned that one.
  14. Hahaha, 1 year?! I was going to ban for 1 year just because it was requested, but someone already perma-banned him.
  15. Heh, not an exploit. That's not as bad as the prone glitch, like Kirk said, record 0 and stop usually fixes it. If it is a constant problem, you might want to think about making a bind. (Although, I'm not sure if you can record a demo and stop recording a demo in the same command)
  16. I don't think this is a "post random videos that Stone watches on his free time" topic.
  17. Topic Title: Spinning Movie Link: Penis Are you trying to dissuade the general public from clicking the link or trying to lure Capt. Englebretson?
  18. Hey, at least that one wasn't Japanese.
  19. "I fuck to dubstep" @ 0:59 and other things.
  20. Damn airplanes. We lose so many great people in plane crashes... Buddy Holly, Lynyrd Skynyrd, etc. My prayers go out to the families.
  21. Suggestions for each of the programs I mentioned, almost helpful.
  22. I don't think my comment was random.
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