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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. What are the binds you're trying to use?
  2. sv_maxrate "25000" // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0 sv_minrate "13000" // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0 sv_maxupdaterate "67" // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60 sv_minupdaterate "33" // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10 sv_maxcmdrate "67" // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60 sv_mincmdrate "33" // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10 sv_client_min_interp_ratio "0.05" sv_client_max_interp_ratio "0.1"
  3. Who from the unit would you want in your group to try and survive the Zombie Apocalypse with? List some names of the unit members you think would be a good addition to your group and why! To make it funny, name some names of unit members you don't want in your group Once I get enough names, I'll make a poll out of it!
  4. There is a cap for server rates. I can't look them up right now, any officer should be able to find them. If not, I'll post the server rates when I get home.
  5. It's something Valve has to remove from the game coding. It will probably go away the next time you see DoDs updating.
  6. Shelby being all lady like.
  7. Used, but yeah, still excited.
  8. You mean you need your vent password reset? I'll PM you with your login and a new password.
  9. I was in the server troubleshooting our mods and witnessed the whole situation, I banned you for a day. I witnessed the team killing, you were respectfully warned by our admin not to revenge team kill (he was not yelling). I did step in to ban the other guy, it was obvious that he was the instigator. The revenge team killing after warnings not to was your first strike. As the game progressed, you seemed to be firing your gun at teammates as they left spawn. They asked you to stop, and you never wounded anyone, but it was bad conduct and almost led to retaliatory TKs from your team. That was your second strike. Finally, about a 30 seconds before logging off you did it again and actually wounded a teammate for 30~40 damage. I was in the process of kicking you when you disconnected. The player complained and I banned you. You yourself said you are a regular on the server so you should know better. You should know not to revenge TK, especially with 2 admins online to help and you should know not to fire at teammates in spawn. If you don't think you were in the wrong, then this probably won't be your last ban. It's only for a day, you can suck it up and take the punishment for breaking our rules. Topic Closed.
  10. That looks like a debugging output for the programmer. That's funny.
  11. Anyone else as hyped as I am about this movie?
  12. I just want to thank the random guest viewing this topic for reminding me how awesome these guys are. Just because, here is Hosei's most recent Chono Slap: GOD DAMN! (How about some 24/7 Gaki no Tsukai - Batsu Game, Kiki Series, Absolutely Tasty, Team Fight, Oogiri, and Shichi Henge with skits in between)
  13. You did validate the file integrity of your DoDs, correct?
  14. Ultra, let us know if your issue was fixed as well.
  15. Either way, I'm glad to help.
  16. That was me. Uploaded the bandage sound and had to reboot. Sorry!
  17. It's on the server, hopefully it downloads correctly. If not I'll attach the sound file for you to add to your dod directory manually: bandage.mp3
  18. I haven't noticed any updates for DoDs or Orangebox, I'll run an update just in case.
  19. Oh shoot, I missed this while I was in California! Thanks everybody, I'm only a month late viewing this.
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