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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. We're working on it, Maj. Parker stayed up all last night reinstalling the server. We'll let you know if there are any new developments.
  2. That was hilarious. That's also the reason I cannot play scary games.
  3. $665.66 Quick, what costs $1?!
  4. Well, I think if the colors are off, they would all be off, it's just hues that you have to determine.
  5. http://www.xrite.com/custom_page.aspx?PageID=77 I got a perfect score, woo! Good luck.
  6. Just to be sure, this is "Javascript" and not "Java," right? Because I could help with the latter.
  7. Awesome work folks, can't wait until next month's issue.
  8. We'll open a ticket, there's almost nothing we an do on our side besides restart, reload, and reinstall. We'll do what we can.
  9. I found that program, I'll be suggesting it. Good suggestion. Hijackthis is a great program, I will suggest it. I mentioned that in my first post, it's on the list of things to try. It does not appear in safe mode. It is apparently hidden/not found in the registry, but I'll mention the runonce as a place to check. Luckily it's not on my computer, it's on my professor's computer. I've asked my CS prof about it too, he suggests booting from a Linux boot disk and then try to delete the file/end the process. Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
  10. This cannot be deleted, it uses up cpu and lags the network connection. Ending the process doesn't work, it starts back up. You cannot delete the file from the system because it is always in use (There may be a way to unfreeze the folder with MalwareBytes) And it is hidden in the registry. Any clues as to what it is and how to remove it?
  11. I actually want to see some of these movies now.
  12. That ban is not on our records, your autoban has either run out, an admin has already unbanned you, or you have posted the wrong steamID. Check to see if you are still banned. If not, enjoy the servers.
  13. That was an awesome game to watch. Not a moment of boredom.
  14. Reason # 1 why I hate to play in open realisms.
  15. Wow, I can't believe this topic is from almost 2 years ago...
  16. I want one...
  17. You should definitely make your own YouTube channel, start pumping out the movies.
  18. That's all I gots to say about that...
  19. Are you still getting the same error message? Or is there just no sound. After browsing the ventrilo forums, it looks like the "VoiceCommMixerStart: Invalid voice mux selection. (-1)" error can be fixed by changing the Hardware Input Mixer to either none or the current input/output device
  20. Hmmm... That's all I got, last thing I can suggest is reinstall ventrilo. If you are using the 64bit version, maybe try the 32bit version this time around.
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