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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Kelly's Heroes Where Eagles Dare Nobody is suggesting any good fun war movies, so there's two classics. I know war shouldn't be viewed as fun, but at that time it was normal to glorify and exaggerate the heroes (and villains) of war. And if you want a "serious" movie: A Bridge Too Far If you haven't seen these movies, you're missing out!
  2. It's not a life or death situation guys. If you cannot make it, that is perfectly alright. However, it comes down to personal responsibility to find out what happened at the meeting. Hopefully we will have someone to take notes. These notes will be provided upon request after the meeting. If we forget to take notes (which is highly possible), you'll just have to ask around for the highlights.
  3. I have a hard time believing that anyone, including post smokers would like that many web ads...
  4. Alright, that makes sense... Unbanned.
  5. Yes, he is permanently banned.
  6. Isn't it obvious? He moved to Canada to make it big in showbiz.
  7. Alright guys, nobody should be posting now except for the admin that banned him. Albeit your vouching is commendable, it doesn't mean a thing until I hear why he was permanently banned.
  8. Heh, firing in spawn has to be on the of the biggest pet peeves for all the admins. Although I don't see how it is a permanent ban sort of offense. This either means a misunderstanding on our admin's part or that there is more to the story. Our admins don't normally permanently ban players without a good excuse. Hang tight until we can figure out who banned you and see their side of the story.
  9. He looked like he was fighting a wind storm the whole time.
  10. Ugh, not this Drugs and Police crap again... My two least favorite topics. I can't even take that website seriously with a name like cannabisculture.com not to mention all the shit going on in the ads. I'm not saying it's illegitimate, I just hate how people try to shove their views in my face like that. It's also amazing how law enforcement is always under scrutiny even when they do something right. I'm not saying they were in the the right in this story, I don't know what happened so I'm not going to comment. All I'm trying to say is that I hate how no matter what they do, someone is always calling foul. It's just sick.
  11. Sorry, I can't do anything until the admin that banned you speaks up, our admins usually don't permanently ban someone unless there is a good reason... We'll get to the bottom of this. However, you'll have to be patient for the time being. You play all the time on our server apparently, so it should be fairly easy to find the person that banned you. From looking up your ID I've found that you're banned in a lot of places, let alone a VAC ban on your account, so I can't exactly unban you on good faith either. I've also read that you make a huge fuss whenever you are banned so I don't want to hear any backtalk or excuses until the admin that banned you replies to this topic.
  12. You'll need to talk to one of the Vent admins (any officer and almost every GySgt and up). Just ask them to to help you set up a new password or even a new account if for some reason it has been accidentally deleted or something like that. If you can't connect with the account you made before, try making a new username and connect without a password.
  13. That ID has a week ban.
  14. Finally! I now own all the DLC.
  15. Done. This is his second offense for the same reason so 1 month ban.
  16. Our auto-ban for TKs is seven days. Thanks for your honesty, it is greatly appreciated. However, there is no exception to the ban, not even for our own members. As they say, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."
  17. I put in the 2 hour ban, but he's probably not going to notice...
  18. Happy Birthday! And since you can't read this... I'll send a hamster with a cake.
  19. We do have a format for this kind of thing... If you could provide any more of that information it would be extremely helpful. All I can find with the info you have provided is that your steamID is permanently banned. I won't do anything until I figure out who banned you and the reason. So until then, you'll have to sit tight without access to our server.
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