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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. We'll look into this.
  2. WOW! I wish I could post that much!
  3. Thanks everyone!
  4. Leage of Legends.... Is that anything like League of Legends? Sorry, I had to do it we don't have Kirkendall for that anymore. And no, I don't play it.
  5. The birthdayness is thick in here.
  6. So this is an energy drink, right. Every energy or caffeine drink usually has "Not for children" or "Not recommended for children under 12" and the pregnant women spiel. If kids are already getting energy drinks, then parents are not doing a very good job. So kids shouldn't even be the ones buying this stuff. Now if you think the 13 to 20 year-olds are dumb enough to think "Well, this energy drink gimmick is good, maybe the real drug will be good too!" then they should be crack whores already. I'll admit that younger kids will probably get their hands on the stuff, but as everyone has mentioned, parents need to be the ones to act. It's a free market, they can sell pretty much anything they want. Maybe we should stop selling condoms, they might give kids the wrong ideas.
  7. Wow, that interviewer was an ass. Hooray for "non-biased" media. But anyways, I look at this like making cigar shaped gum or any other gimmicky candy that they sell in those adult stores, like the chill pills or what have you. It's all "bad taste" material, but who cares, that's why people buy them.
  8. Yeah, I'm not sure. I think you can join someone's single player campaign, but it only helps them and not you.
  9. Apparently the multiplayer is "Modern Warfare-esque" where you level up your guns and abilities. And there is a co-op game where you fight off waves and waves of enemies until you can't anymore.
  10. The automatic ban is 1 week, we have a zero tolerance for team killing. Yes, you should not have been messing around in the first place, I'm glad you agree. However, there is no leniency for anyone, not even our own members, the ban stays. See you in a week.
  11. I'm Speechless.... Wait, is that Weatherdon?
  12. If you search the forums you would have found it: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showforum=31
  13. Haunted dreams? Sounds kinky. Happy Birthday!
  14. "Happy Birthday" indeed.
  15. Yeah, it's pretty boring unless you have friends to play with.
  16. lol, Cayen...
  17. Parker: "How do dolphins have sex anyways..." *Dolphin screeching sounds in the background* "Oh, that's how."
  18. Don't feel bad, I'm learning new keyboard shortcuts all the time.
  19. Hmm, first thing you can try is hold down Ctrl and scroll your mouse wheel up to increase the font size. Depending on the browser you are using, you an set a larger default font size/font/color through the options or preferences. If that doesn't help, you can choose a different skin for the forums via "My Controls" or by the pull down menu at the bottom of the page. We have the default IP board skin as well as a blue version of the default available for members. Hope that helps.
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