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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I would put it in the bank and continue life as if nothing happened.
  2. Master and Commander Pirates of the Caribbean and then almost anything by Jon Williams is amazing.
  3. Be smart, don't follow illegitimate links and then log in with your password and login. In addition, I'd suggest everyone verify their personal email with steam through the settings. It sends an email whenever something changes with your account. (Password/email/etc.)
  4. First, I'd like to say that we do try our best to have admins available around the clock. Although, more importantly, our admins' lives do not revolve around the convenience of our players, if there was nobody available, that is unfortunate. We can't handle every ban and every unban on demand. Everyone needs to calm down and give us a little slack, issues will be resolved regardless. From what I gather, it looks like you have been banned for just 24 hours for TKing. If you have read our MOTD you would have found that we have zero tolerance for retaliatory TKs. Sgt. Collins has done everything by the book; he comes in, sees a bunch of negative scores and bans accordingly. Ban remains in effect, you may rejoin the server tomorrow morning. We appreciate your effort to stop a problem in our servers, however, please let our admins handle any Mic-spamming or TK problems in our servers next time.
  5. Complete Playlist is now posted!!! Check out the first post to see all the songs. Make requests for songs that you think everyone would like to hear!
  6. Oh shit... Oh Shit... OH SHIT!! GOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLL!!! Take that England, you fucked up!!!
  7. After this next update, I will post the selected playlist.
  8. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=806 Yes, hilarious. However, like the 2nd LT said, too tall. You should fix it before an admin removes it for you. (Probably Me)
  10. After doing the tutorial run through, it took me 98 seconds to complete. I type slow, but I have a good memory. http://www.addictinggames.com/the-hacker-game.html
  11. I'll attempt an officer column if need be.
  12. Done and Done.
  13. I saw these on Attack of the Show
  14. Speaking of... Jabo0odyDubs is back!
  15. It looks like this guy is already banned for 1 week.
  16. I like how the hacker has a top hat and a wand.
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