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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. It's not against the rules for a pubber to call someone a hacker. They're just trying to troll, don't acknowledge them and they'll get bored and stop. If anything, that would earn him a kick for ignoring you, possibly an hour ban if he didn't stop after that. He doesn't have any previous bans, but I will ban him for a day for team killing, next time try not to feed the trolls.
  2. Please use the ban request form: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=1917 I need to know who the player is (SteamID) and why we're banning him. I'm a little confused about your reasoning, are we banning him for cussing?
  3. You can try downloading it directly from our server too: http://1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanservers.com/dod/maps/ That way you have the exact same map as the pub and the private.
  4. Even though you're assuming we can't handle your "epic skills," That's not the reason you were banned. As for your reason to be unbanned, I hate to burst your bubble, but we could care less about your past experience in DoD, CoD, CSS or whatever FPS game you might be good at, that's not a valid reason to break server rules ever... You joined the server under the steam name App. I. Tobi [1st SAS] You were banned because the 1st SAS is ban on sight in our server for disrespectful activity, trolling admins and players and just all around unsportsmanlike tendencies. It just took a moment for our admins to notice your tags. Most SAS have been banned already and to be honest, we didn't think that you guys still existed. Not banned because of jealousy or hacking assumptions or whatever you might think. FYI - Calling the banning admin "a child" is not a good start to getting your ban reversed, and just adds to the reasons we have your troll "clan" banned. Unban Request Denied.
  5. A little Jazz while I upload maps:
  6. "Right Shark had crisp, coordinated moves. Left Shark is drunk. Left Shark failed out of choreography school. Left Shark fell asleep during the meeting where the moves were planned out, but nobody noticed (sharks sleep with their eyes open and remain mobile while asleep) and nodded his head when the dance instructor asked if he knew what he was doing. Left Shark only got this gig after threatening to bite the person in charge of casting. But despite all his failings, Left Shark continued to fight. Left Shark danced like nobody was watching, even though 120 million people were watching. And that's beautiful. The New England Patriots may have won the Super Bowl, but Left Shark is the true champion." - Left Shark was the real Super Bowl MVP
  7. Looks like they're waiting for a reply from the MSO techs.
  8. For the Records: Hello, Yes, it did send the first time. The only issue I see with this is that it wasn't just one account. The infraction in question was a player getting banned on one steam account, then reconnecting with another steam account and a more insulting username, antagonizing our admins and members. Not once, not twice, but three times. When that happens we NEED to ban the IP address, unless he was buying a new copy of day of defeat source each time, he either had hacked other members accounts or stolen keys. We just don't know how many accounts he had at his disposal. However, even at the simplest level, this is a lot more technical ability than that of a 7 year old... So, there are three ways this can go: We've completely banned your sibling on the 3 accounts that he just so happened to have access to and that's the end of it.You're making things up to get unbanned because you actually want to play on our servers and you'll cease your harassment and you'll think you've fooled us while you play like a well behaved pubber.You're going out of your way to get unbanned and continue harassing our members, in which case, you would just be banned again. I don't see myself losing sleep over any of these outcomes. So, on your word that this is the last we'll see of your "brother," I can lift your IP ban. I'd like to think everyone deserves a second chance, so be extra careful. With the fuss you've made over your ban, you've made a name for yourself so the next infraction will earn you a permanent place on our banlist. Regards, Lt. Col. Yamagata
  9. Looks like the GPU maxed out at the moment of the crash, unless it's normal for your GPU to use 100% for dods... TMPIN2 is a rarely used sensor, your motherboard is putting out a number, it just doesn't necessary mean temperature. If you were actually running at 124°C, you would know by the smell of burning electronics.
  10. This is why everyone needs a pet.
  11. Challenge Excepted.
  12. Driving Drunk: Driving High:
  13. The best and worst part of Netflix Originals: Binge Watching!
  14. *Bump* Remember: The more access you have, the more responsibility you have to keep your account safe!
  15. Banned for a month, Found and Kicked from server.
  16. Spam and eggs has got to be the best item on the menu in Hawaiian McDonalds. Although, the french toast made with Hawaiian sweet bread has got to be my favorite Hawaiian breakfast. Not at McDonalds, unfortunately.
  17. Just passed 6000 Posts! Although, I prefer my spam in Musubi form:
  18. How about my cat in a box of packing peanuts.
  19. As a Seahawks fan, I want the Seahawks to repeat. I hear all this stuff about Seahawks fans being obnoxious and loud, but I've only ever had fans of other teams harassing me for being a fan. I'm pretty sure the Seahawks aren't the only team with obnoxious fans... Although, to be fair, I haven't been to a game since they played in the King Dome. I might be in the minority.
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