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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Yeah, I'd photocopy my high school history textbook if I could, but I figured wiki was easier. Funny that a team would name themselves after "cheaters."
  2. Do you know the history of the Sooners name? It made me laugh the first time I heard it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sooners
  3. Wow, that sucks... Spiders are freaky, but I don't really mind them... They look really cool. For some reason, the Jumping Spider is the only one that really freaks me out: With those big eyes, and he turns to watch you all the time, threatening to jump at you. Oh and any spider bigger than a deck if cards has earned my respect and I will leave it well alone.
  4. I say those Rangers are over powered as soon as they get their Thompsons and you have a big group of them.
  5. Bill Clinton fixed it.
  6. Man-Crush anyone?
  7. I Believe In A Thing Called Love - The Darkness
  8. Wow, good to hear from you Marsden, just posting every once in a while keeps you off the MIA watch-list. I hope you'll let us know when you are back 100% Until then, good luck in class and with your computer dilemma.
  9. Most stores tell their employees to avoid conflict with shoplifters or burglars, mainly because they are afraid of the legalities of their employees getting hurt or the chance of the thieves suing the company (it is possible). Way to go though, I bet you guys will be talking about that for a while.
  10. Heh, never played it... Sorry.
  11. Good to know.
  12. Holy crap Warren, shit talk much? I swear, that is all I ever hear from you. Hahaha No, it's cool, seeing as I know nothing about Hockey or fantasy leagues, this should be an interesting run.
  13. It's Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Albert!
  14. The Pythagoras March one is funny too.
  15. Finally, a few from the Air Show:
  16. In the Pits:
  17. Here's some photos, videos to come soon!
  18. Well, it looked like your school got pepped up... Not sure my high school would have allowed something like that. (They got angry and ended the pep rally when everyone pulled their cell phones out and waved them like lighters during a song in the dark.)
  19. Let's just all buy 10 games and figure out which entertains the longest.
  20. Sheesh, that's a stupid thing to tell your police force... Yeah, don't go chase those guys or you might get hurt!!! What a great defensive reaction to these questions though, makes her look very professional. Then again, let's announce to the nation that criminals can run from the police and not be chased in the town of Wellford... I think the press here just potentially screwed things up even more for this town... Hopefully when the state government for SC sees this, they'll at least send some state patrol or something. (I doubt it though...)
  21. Neat, thanks for moving the draft Now I can participate in my very first fantasy league drafting! Hahaha
  22. Heh, I played EVE online, it was just way too boring for me... Haven't played the other two though.
  23. Hahaha, I had those when my video card first started dying. If you're going through the same problem... Soon they'll look like this Then they look like this Then your video card dies altogether... That is if you have the same problem.
  24. Happy Belated Birthday, sorry I missed it.
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