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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. All your money now belongs to the federal government, as it was earned through sex trafficking and drug deals. I wish dog farts weren't so damn toxic.
  2. I had tears in my eyes by the end of this video, almost every time.
  3. Yeah, I know that's how China does all their MMOs, I know there is a Chinese MMO that does that, but I didn't feel like learning Mandarin to play it.
  4. It's a killer, it's not that I can't limit myself, it's the fact that I need to keep paying even if I don't play. In my opinion, MMOs would be much more popular if they were pay-per-hour, but even then, I'd feel bad for spending so much when I do pay...
  5. Wow, crazy 60's ladies.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV2NpPqIHnw
  7. No glitch, he lost his StuH's and tiger a few times. Those are called in vehicles and don't count towards his produced vehicles. 8 lost vehicles none produced and none destroyed = -510 points. So, no glitch.
  8. That depends on if Zachow's fan issue has been resolved. Anyone know if that is the case? Zachow?
  9. I've never ever done a fantasy sports anything. But hell, I'll try it if someone helps me figure it out.
  10. Ha, I can see why people would be surprised by this.
  11. So I was curious to see how Aion was so I went to try the beta, but they made it too much work so I took that as a sign not to try it. Hahaha Oh Well...
  12. the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street, holding a...
  13. "This just in, Valve company sued for monopolizing computer gaming market" I wish that my power/internet doesn't go out during this storm.
  14. Well, fuck me for not watching the video... All the news has been "MJ this" and "MJ that" so that's why I thought of the singer. I was a little confused as to why this was in sports section, but it makes sense now. Besides, I don't like basketball either, so I don't exactly care for Jordan either... In my eyes, the best he's ever been was in the Space Jam movie, now that was funny when I was little.
  15. Hey, respect your First Lieutenant! Besides, it looks like it's already on the server, just not in the rotation, so we'll see how things go.
  16. Nope, I never really liked MJ... Not just because of all the weirdness around him, but mainly because I didn't like his music.
  17. one hundred dollars in pennies for his... Probably should have titled the topic "Continue the Sentence," to prevent confusion.
  18. Huh, well that was weird and much more gory than expected. I bet that will be on television in the near future, if not actually marketing the product, at least sending a message.
  19. They now itch all the time. I wish they had wireless power outlets.
  20. I was just about to suggest that, if everyone is iffy about having in the rotation, but still mildly enjoys playing the map, why not add it to the server but leave it out of the rotation for now. So yeah, at least put it on the server, we have the ability to put it in a map vote. (Apparently everyone spams 1 so it'll be played whether they meant to say yes or not)
  21. Wow, oddly there is a lot of truth to that.
  22. MMOs are my biggest weakness... I try to avoid them now.
  23. I never got into DB... Ah well.
  24. Mediocre Films is pretty funny, my favorite video they've made has to be sexy panda:
  25. I miss that map, sure it makes everyone on the allied team pissed, but it's still fun.
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