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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. How Do I Cancel a Payment Subscription? "Payment Packages" are no longer supported on the forums All payments now go through PayPal or the Gameservers Clan Pay service. If you had subscribed to a Payment Package on the forums and you would like to cancel the recurring payment: You will need to log into your PayPal account, go to your Tools and access the Recurring Payments Dashboard. There will be an option to Cancel a Current Subscription, this will end your recurring payments to the site. If you want to change your recurring payment, OR you are having trouble cancelling the payment / you do not have a PayPal account / or for any other cancellation reasons send us an email at support@1stmarineraiders.com Refunds can be given up to 30 days after purchase, but must be requested personally via email. You can also send 1stLt. J. Samuels or 2ndLt. J. Logue a private message if you do not hear back via email.
  2. This is pretty awesome. Even though he says he's still working on it. You can see the entire gallery and description Here!
  3. And one of my favorite Violinists conducted it!
  4. That's ok, haha. Even if we could, I'm at work and I don't have access to the FTP currently.
  5. I just got one of these, it was in a group of them stuff in storage barrels filled with Armor Grease---- I have to clean up all the wood, and re-stain it, but apparently these are originals with all the parts, $75 was the price for these. I am trying to dry the gun out i had to completely take it apart and put it back together, Luckily I knew how, or I would have paid another $100 to have someone do it for me..... This is how it looked, i didnt take a picture of mine, this is similar to what I had to clean. Haha, my Nagant was cleaned before I got it, thank goodness. The look of the wood stock sold it for me, I probably wouldn't have looked twice if it was still covered in grease. However, my Mauser K98 looked like that Nagant when I got it, but the grease was brown/black. Cleaning it was fun, it was like uncovering hidden treasure!
  6. Happy Birthday!!
  7. I almost took that class provided by my CS department, but I didn't want to pay the $200 class fee for the dev licence.
  8. The HTML in your 'about me' was broken to hell, I couldn't follow links even looking at your about me page as a viewer. I've edited your page in the admin panel and removed the scripts, it looks to be working now.
  9. Let's see if a 3 month ban sends the message.
  10. Had to pick PS2, it was my first console and therefore claimed more of my time than the other consoles. N64 was great at my friend's house but I never got to play more than Mario Cart, Mario Party, or Smash Bros, not enough to make it the greatest in my opinion.
  11. First girl pushed that emergency button so fast!
  12. I can change it easily, but it would change for everyone. It's a board setting and not a "per-user" setting, unfortunately.
  13. I guess I'll give it a try again, maybe I'll get my buddy to help.
  14. That was probably me updating SourceMods, sorry!
  15. According to the site, it should be up and running now. Let me know if the gameme commands are still not working or if there are any other issues!
  16. Make sure you are using M. Gumbinger [1st MRB] as your username, send a PM to anyone GySgt+ to get your password changed if you are still unable to get logged in.
  17. Yeah, Parker and I used to party up and level. I think we played with Kirk/M. Swartz, Engle and Visca when they were available. We all kind of fell out, wait for the others to log in with the character that matches your level... As soon as realized that I was just logging in to start my next crafting research timer, I was done.
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