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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Missed my opportunity to post this last night, it's everyone's favorite Canadian Astronaut. Happy Canada Day, you awesome Canadians!
  2. That's ok, do you know who banned them?
  3. Someone has banned him for a week already.
  4. Yet another Best of Your Grammar Sucks, these always make my day. "Commas: They're important sometimes."
  5. I believe it does, every time I use it on my phone it stays running and connected unless you exit the application. There might be options to prevent that, maybe...
  6. Done. Soucebans kicked him off the server as well.
  7. Someone probably changed the minimum to stop a spammer. I've bumped it back up so you can connect. Be sure to get your account set up with a GySgt+ as soon as possible!
  8. Well deserved. *Salute*
  9. Congrats!
  10. 5 Team kills over a two hour session doesn't seem too extreme. Banned for 3 Days, that should send a message to cool down and watch his fire.
  11. Name: Lazaro Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:43263439 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Attempts to disrupt the server after receiving a warning with his unban. Comments: This issue was brought up by another admin: Chat History User was given a second chance to prove that he was not part of the 1st SAS problem and then proceeded to play like a complete "douche" (for lack of a better word).
  12. Wouldn't the compression lower the quality?
  13. I would have never guessed The Mountain, but once that happened, I figured it would be Oberyn.
  14. How to embed! And yeah, that's in my viewing history now...
  15. Greatest Little Arty there ever was! And that's a High Caliber medal: Damage caused must be 20% of the total HP of the enemy team; Damage caused must be at least 1,000 HP Our KV-1 was afk since the start, so I had to go TD mode for the last 4 enemy tanks.
  16. Thanks for heads up, we appreciate the input! I've edited your topic and moved it to our admin section of the forums. Since I would rather that our 'vulnerability' not be advertised while we determine a course of action. Our current policy on the issue is to ban the players using unapproved skins/textures on sight. With that said, I noticed that your screenshots displaying the issue were taken in our public server. I know it wasn't your intention to break our rules, but I will ask that you refrain from taking that advantage in our server.
  17. Permanently Banned. This is the 5th time he's been banned from his server for team killing/wounding. It will be the last.
  18. Auction Catalog I wish I had the money and the means to buy something from their collection. $2,600,000 for a Pz.IV H
  19. I know it's photo-chopped, but it bothers me that Picard's shadow doesn't match the lighting in that picture.
  20. I got all excited when I heard about this, and then a little disappointed when I found out that they're not reviving the TV show, but creating a smartphone app... Still excited to hear Reading Rainbow is going to be something again.
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