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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I like my liverwurst with cheddar and German mustard.
  2. Corned Beef! I love me some Reubens!
  3. The joke is still funny 4 years later.
  4. Necro-Bump!!! Thanks, Google.com spider!
  5. Haha thanks. I try so hard not to double post, even if the video is amazing.
  6. Missed this topic, how's about we name it what it's about...
  7. No, that's what T18s are for...
  8. Woo, 8 Kills!
  9. Is this real life? Be present when Lt. Col. Yamagata joins the server. Knife him to make sure it isn't a dream.
  10. Verify the integrity of your game cache.
  11. This isnt Call of Duty! I don't think this one is possible. It is in fact possible I would have to look at our config, but I believe Smoke Grenades do at most 1 point of damage if someone throws one at you.
  12. In addition to Heresy's questions, do you get any errors like "Display Driver XXXXX has stopped responding and recovered?"
  13. Nooo, I don't want to throw money at another game right now!!!
  14. Final strike, permanently banned. His disrespect to you was the final nail in the coffin, nobody gets away with insulting my Sergeants.
  15. I got a kick out of this.
  16. Watch out, we got a badass over here!
  17. As a Cat and Dog owner, this cracked me up.
  18. Oh hey, Sigur Ros was in that episode! Their version of The Rains of Castamere is eerie, gives me chills every time. This song is related to so many "shocking" episodes.
  19. It would take a lot more than those to derail a 250 ton train engine plus the thousands of tonnes behind it in momentum. It might pull the firetruck, but I have a feeling that while the hoses are strong, it's more likely that the sheer force of the train yanking on them would either snap the hose or pop right off their truck or the pump, wherever is weakest. The train wouldn't feel a thing.
  20. I got that game... I'm still trying to figure out how things work. So far, my only achievement was drilling a series of tunnels through an asteroid, it took me a couple hours. I had to quit the game immediately because I realized how long that took and how pointless that was. (Well, I did get a lot of ore...) I think once I figure out how to make ships and stuff, I might have more fun.
  21. I laughed my ass off at the Ocarina part.
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