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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. That video just makes me sympathetic to the Grocery store that just lost money on the wasted milk that they now have to clean up. I doubt these kids cleaned it up or paid for anything...
  2. Let's sing "God save the Queen" in French and see how Lloyd reacts
  3. I can't get enough of this guy...
  4. You have to put the demos in your dod folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod Just to make sure.
  5. That sucks, he was so young!
  6. Are these demos you've recorded or demos you've downloaded?
  7. From what I did play as well as what I've seen on Youtube, War Thunder has some better game mechanics that World of Warplanes. WoWP is basically World of Tanks in the sky with a few added ground objectives. War Thunder has historical battles and the ability to respawn with another plane in your hanger. WoWP started off being a big hit, but it just cannot keep the high number of players online and playing like WoT. Last time I tried playing WoWP, there were 10-15 players online and 3/4 of them were in the top tiers. However, This was pre-release, so it might be drastically different now, but I haven't had the heart to patch up.
  8. Is it all text everywhere? I know there is a known issue between Firefox and a recent update to Internet Explorer that makes text in Firefox distort and "pixelate." If you take a screenshot of the issue and it transfers to the screenshot, it could be an issue with your computer rather than the cable.
  9. Banned for a week.
  10. Just bought my T95, here's the results for my first battle: The IS-3 on our team finished off some of my targets, but my damage speaks for itself. I think I might enjoy this tank.
  11. Added the steam name and ID to the topic title, so anyone that searches his ID gets to see this tasteful topic.
  12. I saw this and thought of Stone. Might not be as random as the videos he finds, but it's German.
  13. That's "Lieutenant Colonel Yams" to you.
  14. I think we actually found it in the Gun Library at Cabelas.
  15. Costed ~$500, not too bad considering it's authentic WWII, all matching parts and the wood stock is in great shape.
  16. Here's my M1 Carbine: Out of the seven rifles I own, it's probably my favorite. I just recently got a sling for it from a military surplus shop.
  17. CPU Monitor If you are running Windows 7, you can right-click on the desktop and select Gadgets. It should be automatically installed.
  18. My dad plays this game...
  19. I guess it's time for another screen cap
  20. I've always wanted a Beagle.
  21. "Leave him, it's my decision!!" - Parker knows what's up
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