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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Well, Vancouver riots over hockey games, Seattle riots every year to stay hip... Oh Lordy, a match made in heaven!
  2. I would probably get into Hockey more if Seattle got a NHL franchise. If anyone would go in on it, it would be one of the Microsoft guys (Paul Allen/Steve Balmer), Paul Allen has been trying to get Seattle another Basketball team, but I could care less about basketball.
  3. I used to have Smashing Pumpkins as my alarm to wake up. 'Today' was probably the best to wake up to, for me.
  4. Wait, you're a jap?!!?!?!?! KILL HIM MARINES! Don't worry, my family was interned during WWII... Same team, same team!
  5. Looks like I'm related to this guy. He's a Knight!
  6. I've removed your ban from our Sourcebans since it was an imported ban and we have no additional record as to why you were banned. Behave in the servers, or the ban will be reinstated. Happy Fragging!
  7. If you're not going to follow the Uniform Rules of Precedence, then you shouldn't be putting ribbons in your signature. That's all I've got to say about that.
  8. This came to mind:
  9. The server I was pulling the images for the favorite weapons choices from was lagging our forums, so I decided to host them on photobucket. In the process of changing the URLs, everyone that picked their favorite weapon had their selection wiped. Just in case anyone was wondering what happened.... No big deal though, you can always pick again!
  10. Cheyenne Mountain and Blast Door can only mean one thing for me.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Just caught myself up to the Season 7 half-way point. I gotta say... Now to move on to the Christmas Special, then I really need to sleep.
  14. Well, you could always get the plastic iPhone they're releasing. http://www.apple.com/iphone-5c/
  15. Exactly what came to mind when I saw this topic.
  16. Follow the source train. The image linked was sourced from an Urban Terror forum that made me feel dirty just visiting, then referenced a redditor, whose comments and posts I would rather not dig through thus ending my train of reference... I digress, it seemed their math was based on their knowledge that the white blood cell diameter was about 7 micrometers (the diameter of a lymphocyte (Wikipedia), which most associate with white blood cells) which changes the calculation quite drastically. 7 μm is about 0.000000004349 miles which changes your first result to 198,735,341,500,000. That would make the galaxy 3253.57 miles and the average width of the United States is about 3,075 miles (wiki.answers). It all depends on where you get your numbers!
  17. 10/10 - I love Janis, that Voice is absolutely amazing!!
  18. Damn, this is a bad topic to be on at work. Damn you, google bot.
  19. Heh, this video again...
  20. I would then cut it into 9 different mini sandwiches!
  21. Not sure if this is a serious attempt at a song or just a joke.
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