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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Makes me think of this video. He'll be back.
  2. The raccoon was probably fine.
  3. Sorry, there is not much we can do with the provided information. Please read up on our topic about accusing hackers/cheaters here. "No smoke" hacks are hard to detect and unless there is a demo to review or a chat log of the player admitting it, we have nothing to prove his guilt other than your word. As much as we trust our member's judgement, hacking bans require conclusive demos, if the player comes to argue the ban, we would have that demo to show as evidence and not "So-and-so said you were hacking."
  4. Indeed, everyone is required to watch it at least once.
  5. While I am sorry that you had a bad experience in our server today, I hardly see reason to "deal" with Bluzooka for misinterpreting the series of events. If Bluzooka had been spectating every interaction between every single player in the server and then blatantly refused to help your case outright, then I would understand your complaint. However, I'm fairly sure that he was probably playing on the server himself and missed the action between you and the revenge TKer. Looking at the console alone tells us two things, you both TK'd eachother and you were the only one to say sorry. Your image of the console log doesn't even show him refusing to help, as he replies "What's the matter?" then that's the end of the image. His decision to keep an eye on two team-killers was definitely not refusing to help. You've brought attention to someone breaking the rules, now they are being watched. As far as I can tell, with the information he had, the most he could have done would have been to kick the revenge team-killer. I'm sorry that didn't happen, but we aren't perfect. Of course he could have taken the time to start questioning other players, reviewing the console and playing detective to find and enforce exactly what was needed. However, that sort of administrating disrupts gameplay. It's better to resolve the problem the moment it happens with a quick reaction, turning the server into a crime-scene and courtroom ruins the gaming environment and the conflict that it causes scares away more players than the "courtroom" server would bring. If I am expected to enforce some sort of punishment, it would be on the revenge team-killer that you've reported, which I would be happy to do for you. What exactly do you expect me to do to Bluzooka? Take away his admin privileges because of one moment of misjudgment? A regular on our server for at least two years and an admin for at least half of that, suddenly disowned because a player with less than a month's presence dictates it? Especially with the issue being one single act of revenge team killing. You can imagine my apprehension... In my mind, pointing out his mistake does all you need, now he knows that he made a mistake at that time and will probably strive to pay more attention to future problems. We are trying to prevent that kind of courtroom situation where admins are permanently banning minor offenses left and right, Bluzooka's restraint was commendable, not punish-worthy. If that means we lose your patronage, then that's unfortunate and we wish you the best in finding the server that best suits your need for justice. Regards, Lt. Col. Yamagata
  6. Because we were planning on leaving it off. Seriously though, thanks for letting us know that it's down. It's the first time I've heard about it.
  7. I saw this go down in HLSW, they are all permanently banned from both servers. Azillabot was originally 2 weeks from the public server for the two team kills I saw, but I've bumped it up to permanent as per your requests. (This is the reason I avoid open realisms)
  8. Updating. Expect a restart in 10 mins.
  9. I think we've successfully beaten the dead horse into a pulp now. Going to close the topic before we get into the "heated" argument stage.... Also, to preserve my sanity.
  10. You are comparing unreasonable use to reasonable use, that's called stating the obvious.
  11. I agree with Parker on the subject.
  12. I could tell by the fact that there wasn't any sound and the and the single frame for the preview image that it was going to be loud, so I cranked my volume down. Nice try though.
  13. 7/10 - Some pop punk is good now and then. Makes me want to hear the songs they sound like. Here's a little post-punk.
  14. Here you go: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=14876
  15. 10/10 Good pick. Now this uncomfortable rendition of Bizet's Habenara (I actually just found this today when I looked up Habenara on YouTube, be prepared for WTF moments)
  16. The kid is really smart to float on her back when she gets tired or needs air. The pool looks small enough to hop in and be next to her within seconds. Sure, it would be safer to be in the pool with her, but having her swim alone builds confidence. Usually they're holding onto you for dear life. Besides, it looks like the dad is a nurse and the mom is a lifeguard, so it's not like they wouldn't know what to do if something did happen.
  17. 6/10 - Sounded kind of generic. Now for something completely different.
  18. MSE is probably the best free application. MalwareBytes is great too, if you get the paid version you get the real-time protection as well, but it will run you $25. It is a one time payment though, so I would say its worth it.
  19. I'm not a big screamo fan, but it had had a catchy beat. 7/10
  20. How about we stick to memes and avoid the 'longest penis competition,' please.
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