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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. *Sees that the thread is seriously about Jizz*
  2. Ah yes, this discussion on theoretical politics is gripping...
  3. I'm sure some of you have seen these already, but I still find them post worthy. As someone that lived in a house with both cats and dogs, I found this was hilariously accurate.
  4. Meh, McAfee is one of the easiest programs to remove. Fake and gay.
  5. Specs for the PS4 still outweigh the XBox One, but we won't know for sure until we actually play on these consoles and judge for ourselves. PlayStation has the headstart thanks to the shot in the foot Microsoft took in PR, although Microsoft has some sneaky and witty marketing... Time will tell.
  6. http://www.change.org/petitions/ubisoft-re...division-for-pc Direct link to the petition.
  7. Done. **If someone with an armfull of stripes or brass (SNCO+) could contact someone from the 1st RB to report their applicant's behavior, it would be much appreciated.
  8. That professional golf, man... Getting caught breaking the silence will not only get you kicked out, some courses will slap a hefty fine on you.
  9. Are the spoiler tags really that necessary? I guess if you want the game, you don't want the twists revealed, but paragraphs of redacted text that I need to highlight to view...
  10. Oh no not another online petition!
  11. Sadly it wont come out on the PC. Not only that, it's only for XBox One and PS4, so this is a game that will require a whole new console.... At first I was like "TAKE MY MONEY DAMNIT!" But now it's just Maybe I'll get the tablet version...
  12. Kill it with fire.
  13. What's the darkest hour? Google says it's between 9 pm and 3 am depending on the time of year.
  14. Gotta get places as fast as they can in those euro-trucks.
  15. My co-worker plays this game at work sometimes. It's pretty funny to watch. Many a Kerbal have died in this office.
  16. Ate too much bread before my meal, now I have to take the rest of my Reuben and fries home as leftovers.
  17. I didn't think HDDs ran too hot, but I guess it just adds up.
  18. All laptops are shit for cooling. Luckily this one seems to be made of aluminum, which helps loads for cooling.
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