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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Pioneer rush! That's a thing right?
  2. Indeed. Permanent ban-worthy.
  3. Yamasaki is my most favoritest person in the world.
  4. You wouldn't happen to have custom sounds set up for DoDs?
  5. Biggler's ban increased to 1 month, Chorda is rebanned for another month. Perm on the next offense for both.
  6. It sounds like they're hoping to do more to show off the LoL Lore... I can't wait!
  7. Damnit Gooderham, quit confusing our members!! Seriously though, impersonating a 1st MRB member (let alone claiming to be an officer) is a permanent ban offense. However, since your description makes it seem like it didn't create a disruption in the server and since he wasn't wearing tags, I've lowered it from perm to a month.
  8. Just got to work, clocked in and now I'm browsing the forums. Some say I have an addiction....
  9. I would try verifying your game files. 1. Right Click on Day of Defeat: Source in your library. 2. Click on the Local Files tab. 3. Click on Verify Integrity of Game Cache. That should check your files and re-download what is needed.
  10. Yeah, do not follow the advice from "The Japanese Tradition." It's a parody. Their episode about sushi is hilarious. "Otototototo" ~ "Mamamama" Parker knows what I'm talking about.
  11. It's a complexity thing, I like LoL because it's simple. DOTA has a lot of bells and whistles, and I feel like the gaming mechanics are a bit more complex, a lot of people like that.
  12. Ninja'd! That was excellent by the way. "U as in Eunice. I love that name."
  13. Trackballs for the win!
  14. Banned for 3 days. Not to discredit the pubber, but it sounds like we are lacking proper witnesses. Did you see the score or was it reported to you?
  15. Increased ban to 2 weeks.
  16. You would think the loyal fans would pay anything to see their team play.
  17. Looks like they played the "How much would you pay for these tickets?" game and won. I really doubt the ticket price affected their ticket sales.
  18. Took too long of a shower, had to skip my daily morning coffee stop.
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