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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Yeah, you can't play with our emotions like that Halvorsen!
  2. The youtube video is even titled incorrectly...
  3. Why do you have three quotation marks on one side and two on the other? Or is it a quote of a quote of a bad quote? And with that said, who are you even quoting?
  4. Done. (I did not see the temp ban in the logs, so I'm hoping this was the right ID.)
  5. Isn't it booty?
  6. 14/20 Penetrations - 6,759 Damage Delt: 11 Enemies Hit, 4 Destroyed, 34 critical damage (that's the number of crew/modules) Confederate, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker" Awwww yeah. Over 10k XP again!
  7. My most recent conquest: I love 5x experience!
  8. My newest tank is the AMX 50 100, it's amazing until I have to reload. I'm always over-committed when I need to reload that 20 second reload is a killer.
  9. I find every other game I play in my E5, I get wolf-pack swarmed and usually they're Bat-Chat platoons. Other than that, I'm usually in the top three XP-wise, I just wish my teams were smarter. I don't know if they've changed the T32 in any of the patches since I played it, but the armor seemed above par with angling and I felt as though my gun ALWAYS penned when I wanted it to.
  10. Fond memories of those tanks. I miss my T32, I wish I hadn't sold it. It was to make room for my T110E5... Not sure if it was worth the trade-off. Don't get me wrong, I destroy with my E5 and I hear it's a popular CW tank. But I haven't been in a clan war since DETH and it's definitely a credit whore.
  11. I need to buy too many games!
  12. You've got to admit, watching Canuck players cry and whine about diving, and embellishment is just so delicious. Nothing quite like watching Kesler be so righteous to the media. Hah, that's a gift that keeps on giving. It's easy to take pot shots from the golf course. Assuming you're a Canucks fan, welcome to the club. If not, you will likely be there soon and have it just as easy as i I wouldn't have a problem with the short season and the early onset of golf, if it wasn't for the fact that your team of broken players has taken all the golf carts. And don't get me started on diving and embellishment. The Oilers are no better than anyone else, and the only reason they don't get called on it is because they haven't won a meaningful playoff game since 2006. Every team has that occasional player that ends up rarely embellishing. I just can't believe a team had so much of those players that people would begin to Photoshop that teams logo into this. Oilers are a team of broken players? Can't tell if troll? The Canucks just so happened to lose the season series to that team of so called "broken players" and got demolished 7-2 during the last game of the regular season to that very same team. Honestly, i'd rather have my team stink it up during the regular season (especially if we're a rebuilding team like the Oilers currently are) and get a great draft pick instead of wasting a third seed finish only to get swished in the first round. What's the streak at for home playoff losses for the Canucks? The number grew so large that i've lost track. However, it looks like the Canucks are in store for years and years in the basement. TSN is reporting that Gillis wants to rebuild? PLZ TELL ME MOAR? Check out this quote monstrosity! Also, hockey is usually played on ice, or so I've heard.
  13. Where does it say that he's a Shaolin monk?
  14. I prefer the Slugger Four words I thought I would never hear.
  15. My list of current tanks: X: T110E5 US Heavy IX: M46 Patton US Medium E-75 German Heavy VIII: T34 US Heavy Caernarvon UK Heavy VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A German Heavy AMX 50 100 French Heavy IS-3 Russian Heavy KV-4 Russian Heavy Panther II German Medium Type 59 Chinese Medium AMX 13 90 French Light T28 US Tank Destroyer Ferdinand German Tank Destroyer VII: M40/M43 US SPG Comet UK Medium Panther/M10 German Medium T-43 Russian Medium T71 US Light Jagdpanther German Tank Destroyer AMX AC Mle. 1946 French Tank Destroyer VI: Lorraine155 50 French SPG VK 30.01 (D) German Medium AT 8 UK Tank Destroyer Dicker Max German Tank Destroyer V: Hummel German SPG T14 US Heavy Ram II US Medium Type T-34 Chinese Medium Churchill III Russian Heavy IV: SU-5 Russian SPG T-50 Russian Light II: Sturmpanzer I Bison German SPG BT-2 Russian Light Tetrarch Russian Light
  16. "Locking On" to a target adjusts the angle to account for shell drop, but it aims for the center of the tank (not always where you want to hit). I believe aiming the center of the reticle also aims the barrel accordingly... Basically, as long as you have line of sight, the AI should angle your barrel correctly.
  17. I would save the code for the weekend! http://worldoftanks.com/news/2308-military-parade-weekend That's x5 plus the premium! Starts May 10th @ 7:30 EST
  18. Happy Birthday!!!!
  19. Hmm, are you sure? I think No camouflage bonus is provided by: - Player tanks (dead or alive) confirms his story.
  20. Had another arty sit right next to my arty and I got the splash from him dying to counter-battery. Scared the crap out of me...
  21. Badass moustache though.
  22. Because Star Wars is the real story, those silly spin-offs
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