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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Ah yes, the favorite officer... Don't worry, it's not a trap
  2. Sorry, in updating the look of the favorite weapon selection, I seemed to have cleared everyone's choices. No worries though, you can always go back and re-select (or change your mind) here! Oh yeah, and now you get a nifty little icon next to your posts!
  3. Virtual Private Networking.
  4. In trying to fix my mods, I ruined my world of tanks... Hooray for re-installations!
  5. Probably would have gotten more cooperation if he wasn't such a douche, flashing a camera around and trying to make the cops look like idiots... Pestering the cops about laws and permits they have no control over is a poor choice of motivation.
  6. Is this a current issue or are you reporting it happened overnight? The server does have population based rotation, e.g. Donner until 5 people, Kalt till 10, etc. (Parker would know the exact numbers.) Was the server full when this happened?
  7. Blue team go!
  8. Got our first pubber in the clan: Flakes13 I'm hoping he's not 13, but let me know if he causes problems.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Armoured_Corps
  10. Wow, seven people, we're halfway to a whole team!
  11. I don't quite play it as much as I used to, it's a good pick-me-up tank after a losing streak.
  12. Alcohol still gets deemed as poison and you actually get shunned for drinking it here in Utah, the dry state. Some servers in restaurants will actually request a different server if we order drinks. I doubt marijuana will ever be truly accepted into society, it's still smoking and that's still not the healthiest thing you can do. But who cares really, as long as it's something you enjoy.
  13. Love the Johnny Cash, fit perfectly.
  14. Haha, Mobile policy enforcement! We're dealing with that now at my work. If a user asks what that means, we say "Oh, it's nothing. We don't have access to factory reset your phone or take control of your camera." And we really don't, but one of the ladies I work with refuses to install the policy enforcer app on her phone (she lets it install to activate her email, then deletes the enforcer app). She says that if the university had bought her phone for her, then she would let them enforce policies. Thinking about buying a air compressor so I don't have to pay 50 cents at the gas station for air.
  15. Neat, thanks dawson! I just got the 300 gold for changing my password too, haha. Hooray account security!
  16. I blame the "high tech" grenade design.
  17. I'm on the NA server. I try to play tanks every evening, just to get my daily double xp.
  18. Accepted!
  19. 8 tanks destroyed, at the end it came down to me (with half health) vs 6 enemy tanks (two arties, a M8A1 TD, a Stuart, a PzIII/IV and a M4 with the 105). Achievements: : Kolobanov's Medal, Radley-Walters's Medal, Steel Wall, Top Gun, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"
  20. Gotta love the Batman pose after he lands.
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