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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. It's Unlimited* *Unlimited to the point where the provider says you are using too much data and they throttle the crap out of your download speed.
  2. That's actually the reasoning exactly. They knew the viewership would have difficultly separating the names. It's similar to how they are showing Theon's story so he doesn't just show up again in 2 books worth of seasons. A lot of people wouldn't remember who he is, so they are showing his path to becoming Reek. There are SO MANY NAMES... That was my reasoning for dropping out of the book series early on. I'm glad I got back into it, I just want one of those bookmarks like in War & Peace with the list of all the characters and who they are, places of importance, and a simple glossary of important things like religions and such... I will say, reading the books do help keep up with all the characters in the show though.
  3. Lowered to 1 Month, his comments fit with any other raging pubber with a mouth of a sailor. Next incident will be perm.
  4. Are you two friends on Facebook? That might be the reason...
  5. "Video Unavailable This video has either been removed from Facebook or is not visible due to privacy settings"
  6. My favorite line:
  7. Yeah, not really, but it's really close! Facebook Phone?! My co-workers and I had a good laugh over this topic and then a flash of dread having to support one of these devices in the near future.
  8. I don't normally go to pop music concerts so you've probably never heard of the bands I've seen, (Hell, I've never heard of the bands I've seen and I probably couldn't remember their names if I tried) but I've been to a few Philharmonics and Symphonies. However, the only "big" name I've seen live was Steel Panther, even if they are a satire band.
  9. I just clicked on the close button, but it wasn't real.
  10. The guy is kind of a nut. Just crazy enough to be funny.
  11. http://www.ehow.com/how_6654484_transfer-v...o-settings.html
  12. Done. "You kill me all day?" I ban you two days!
  13. I was expecting this: Not sure why...
  14. It looks like someone was able to ban him in-game for a week.
  15. They have the ship from Galaxy Quest, but not Firefly or Spaceballs? What's with that?
  16. Sorry, I had to...
  17. In Civ5, you need to be there to set up the game initially, but AI will take over if you leave. Personally, I don't trust the AI, so if someone leaves, I save the game for another time.
  18. He is the "Top Billing" actor.
  19. In almost any browser, Ctrl+Shift+Delete brings up the clearing browsing history window. Just a quick shortcut to add from my list of pointless knowledge.
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