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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I am still confused by the background music...
  2. Was anyone else expecting the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. At my house, you take your shoes off at the door, my dad is Japanese so that's just how I was raised. I feel weird wearing shoes in the houses of people that do not have you take your shoes off. At the house I live in for school, they do not ask you to take off your shoes, but I always take them off in my room.
  5. With all due respect, you were never called a hacker by anyone in the unit nor were you banned for that reason. In fact, the admin in the server even spectated you and cleared you. You were accused for hacking by a pubber, we didn't see evidence so you were not pinned as a hacker. If you really want me to dig up the main reason you were permanently banned then I will and we can reinstate your ban right now. And don't flatter yourself, you're not that great of a player. In the future, a simple "Thanks for the unban" would have sufficed.
  6. From the demo provided, you definitely did enough intentional team-wounding to warrant a ban. It's been so long I don't remember what else had pushed it over to permanent... for that reason, I will unban you. Please watch your TWing, I'm giving you a second chance so if it happens again you will be permanently banned.
  7. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=4852
  8. I don't think anyone is just telling him to buy a new one to avoid the issue at hand. It's just that if you're using a BD player that needs a USB dongle to get wi-fi in the first place it's already dated and you might as well put the money for the dongle towards a newer unit. just my opinion anyways. Haha, I know what you mean, problem was solved so I poked fun at the planned obsolescence of the technical world. The suggestions to buy better equipment made me chuckle.
  9. I like the apple approach of fixing the issue: "Not working? Buy a new one!"
  10. You don't like K9? What is this blasphemy? Or do you mean the Daleks?
  11. It's not a bad series, I've recently been watching the Doctor while I'm at work and in my free time. If you need a show to compare it to, think Stargate with time traveling. It's definitely something any Sci-Fi fan should check out at least once. I started at the 2005 series, I don't know if I want to venture into the 60's-80's series quite yet.
  12. HA! I almost shot coffee out of my nose when I read that.
  13. Happy New Years everyone! Family time is over for me, time to go back to Utah and back to school and work. Actually posting from the airport right now, tired of waiting for the plane...
  14. Just as a follow up, the forum was having some issues with cookies lately. I've deactivated our lock-box cookies and refreshed the cookie name just in case that was an issue. That seemed to have resolved my own cookie issue, but if anyone else has any issues, let me know!
  15. I have a clan that does absolutely nothing in clanwars, just a quick way to platoon up if need be (so far, comprised of Engle, Gooderham and myself). But if you want the full clan experience, then you'll want to find a more active one. Link to the clan details: http://worldoftanks.com/community/clans/1000004638-RAC You're more than welcome to join and try to expand the clan, if you don't feel like spending the gold to make your own.
  16. To me, it seems like his description fits the actions you admitted to making... First, we don't condone retaliatory team kills, ever. We have admins and a ranked system for a reason, don't take justice into your own hands. If one of our members is to fault, bring it up with one of the higher ranked members and we'll deal with it. Team killing just gets you in trouble. Second, from the way you're telling the story, I seriously doubt the so called "bitch-storm" in the server was one sided. You said you weren't disrespectful "until he started trash talking." So then you were disrespectful? Finally, this is a request, which means that it hasn't even been approved or followed up on and you're already calling one of my members an entitled problem maker before we've even had a chance to look at it. In hindsight, I think you probably could have gone without insulting our member and you would have made a better case. It sounds like you are having a bad day, as the SSgt. had noted, so I'll ban you for 3 days and let you cool down. As for your claim that one of our members was acting unjustly, if there's anyone that can back up your story (or if SSgt. Ucar has anyone to refute your claims) we'll deal with that issue internally. Bad mouthing him doesn't do anyone justice and makes you look like an ass.
  17. Looks like he should be banned already, possibly something up with the update.
  18. That is indeed the case, thanks Ducky MoMo.
  19. A game with Englebretson: Battle Achievements: Bruno's Medal, Pascucci's Medal, Sniper, Sharpshooter, Reaper, Mastery Badge: "1st Class"
  20. Done, a 4 day ban should send the message. Thanks for your help.
  21. This is good.
  22. That was pretty badass.
  23. http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/t...ll-auto-system/ Adds to your Enemy damage/Friendly damage ratio. Blue means you will be banned if you do not change your team wounding ways.
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