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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Please don't spam the mess hall.
  2. Are you into network security as a hobby or career?
  3. He says spammingly...
  4. Greetings Ober. Kissinger and welcome to our site! Thanks for introducing your unit. Do you guys have a website or servers we should know about? It would be great to have a means to communicate with you and/or your liaison for invitations, challenges, or questions. Anyways, I'm sure Warrant Officer Jones, our Public Affairs Officer will be in contact with you, or at least on of our liaisons. It's great seeing the realism community thriving, I hope to see some scrims and friendly realisms in our future! ~Major Yamagata 1st Marine Raider Battalion Commanding Officer
  5. Baaaaaad joke.
  6. I would pick the Indiana Jones series over the Star Wars series, but their both favorites.
  7. Actually, I think the blue man made that video so awesome.
  8. Can't wait to see pictures, Gooderham. I hope everyone gets well.
  9. My younger brothers are obsessed with minecraft and minecraft spin-offs. I don't see the appeal.
  10. That gag is a little overplayed. Still funny, although personally, I would have waited to hear the car leaving.
  11. Am I the only one that hoped he would fall off the wall?
  12. It really depends on the college, your major, and your professors. The thing that surprised me the most was how simple it all is. The workload is more than High School, but classes are easier to follow, just don't fall behind.
  13. This is Slope Chute material.
  14. Today's odd recommendation:
  15. I'm looking for a good All-In-One instant messaging program. I have gtalk, Yahoo IM, Windows Live, AIM, etc. I just want one program that would handle them all. I've looked at: Trillian Pidgin Meebo But I cannot decide between the three, there's probably more, but those were the big names. I could download each of them to test them out, but that's too much work. I just want to download one and be done with it. Suggestions?
  16. Engle: "Ooooh, it's like I'm internet bleeding!"
  17. That tattoo artist looks like he's 12 years old... I just watched that last night, it's funny that you posted it.
  18. Haha, that guy was blue
  19. Macromedia Fireworks.
  20. LoL is not an RPG. There are a bunch of MMORPGs that are free, but none of them are as good as the paid ones. We've been through phases of addiction to Two Moons, Runes of Magic, Age of Conan... I was addicted to WoW for a while, I've dabbled in Final Fantasy XI and I play around on Final Fantasy XIV (their newest mmo) occasionally. I'm sure you can find one that will drain away your soul for a little while, at least until you get bored.
  21. No way, it's Wingate's birthday? He's so oooooold!
  22. Just saw this episode today. Made me chuckle.
  23. Here's a photo of the illusive Ninja Nazi Hacker.
  24. Hey did you see what's out the window?
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