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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Crazy, I JUST watched that video earlier today.
  2. That's on our daily/weekly ToDo list. And yes, that folder gets huge quick.
  3. You sure you want a zombie to give you a handjob? You might lose something important.
  4. Great work, I can't wait until the next issue!
  5. I'ma steal this puppy now
  6. Well, in the unit there's "Yama" and I guess "Major" might be considered a nickname... But some of my friends have called me Nicktendo because I would wear my Nintendo sweatshirt a lot: That's all I can think of.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Edited because I hate clicking links. And that's weird...
  9. Funny shit indeed.
  10. Ban increased to 2 weeks from 1.
  11. "I fucking hate Margaret Cho..."
  12. At first I thought "That bass player looks weird..." then I saw the banjo(?) player and then I ended the video.
  13. Rifles: German Mauser Karabiner 98k Lee-Enfield No. 1 MK III w/10 round magazine and copper reinforcing for rifle grenades. Mosin-Nagant ISO 9 M91/30 w/bayonet spike Springfield Model 1892-99 Krag Arisaka Type 99 Rifle w/modified stock (why, I don't know) M1 Carbine Shotgun: Winchester M12 (not the trench gun, but I wish) Still saving up for a handgun...
  14. I should have added that it was a great video, I just thought it was a little odd. Considering the members of the unit, I'd say you're right on par with the strangeness. No harm done!
  15. I was expecting something more along the lines of: Now that's making music with your shoes
  16. That's an odd message to send...
  17. Don't tell me you've just discovered Weebl's Stuff.
  18. I wonder what the cooling capabilities are, the thinner you get the less heat dissipation you can pack into it. It's all fun and games until ~3 grand worth of electronics melt in your lap.
  19. Birthday, it's happy.
  20. That goes both ways. XBox games have a limit on their graphics abilities until the next generation of XBox comes out, either way, you're still spending $$ for better quality.
  21. It's no problem Cpl. Thanks to these topics, I've added a new form to the Military Police Office. You can now post documentation of bans if you believe that they will be argued against. There are other situations that you can post the Ban Report, just follow the link I posted earlier and scroll down to the Ban Report form for more info.
  22. Where's the old topic? And I do not own an XBox...
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