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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Not sure you guys have seen this, but they finally finished and released Part 2. Yeah it's pretty low budget, but you have to give them props.
  2. Who closed the topic?
  3. Vids are for the slope chute. <<moved>>
  4. Hahaha, you actually sat through the post flood timer each time?
  5. I'm going to be hit hard. (Haha, everyone is marking their position on the map, I had to contribute)
  6. Same here.
  7. Meh, we've been "overdue" for another quake for the past 5 years. And we can't forget that Mt. Rainier is maybe 100 years "overdue" to erupt and that's a decade volcano.
  8. Earthquakes are fun so long as they aren't huge, besides, Washington hasn't had a major quake in 10 years.
  9. Sounds windy. There's the main reason (besides bad coffee) that I would never live on the east coast.
  10. That's epic.
  11. Not to mention the 3 that chose the couch.
  12. Also banned. I'm not sure if you're just posting to inform us that a ban took place or if you are actually requesting a ban. Regardless, you don't need to post a ban request if the person has already been banned. UNLESS: (See ban report form) http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...;st=0#entry8558
  13. That ID is banned already.
  14. Hey, check your post count. When I have more posts than you, then you can talk.
  15. It looks like he's perma-banned already.
  16. Spamming the Mess Hall = no no. Please spam the Slope Chute. <<moved>>
  17. I started playing in 2007, then joined the 6th Rangers that December. I was loyal to the 6th all the way until Parker started the 1st MRB in 2009.
  18. Happy Birthday
  19. He did make quite a few without bouncing. Even so, drunks always knock over the cup when they try to swat the balls away. Haha.
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