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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I have to turn off TTS sometimes thanks to this madman... Haha
  2. Ip Man was a great Kung-Fu movie, extra badassness for being a true story. I saw Ip Man 2 and it's just as well done as the first.
  3. I wouldn't hold your breath for a new DoD...
  4. Maybe he used MS Paint.
  5. You guys post the weirdest stuff... Neat though.
  6. That first one reminds me of Fish from "The Rocker"
  7. What is going on?
  8. I think the Mighty Mo would win... maybe.
  9. Master and Commander
  10. This song never gets old. WHISKEY IN THE JARooooooooah!
  11. There he is, Happy Birthday!
  12. Disappointing that he would claim a Colonel tag and show such disrespect... Done.
  13. Haha, I posted that after reading this topic I have it all on a notepad so I decided to share my boredom inspired calculations.
  14. In minutes: 60 = 1 hour 720 = 12 hours 1440 = 1 Day 2880 = 2 Days 4320 = 3 Days 5760 = 4 days 7200 = 5 days 8640 = 6 days 10080 = 1 week 20160 = 2 weeks 43200 = 1 month 86400 = 2 months 259200 = 6 months 518400 = 1 year I'm hoping I don't see any bans over a month. If it has to be longer than that, it should probably be a permanent ban. But hey, the time is there because I wanted to see the minutes...
  15. Make sure you click "Write" after unbanning people.
  16. Steam says August 17th.
  17. My youngest brother is all about the Nerf guns and Airsoft. Oh and Legos, but he usually makes intricate rubber band guns out of them so...
  18. I was laughing out load during the preview, I hope those weren't all the funny parts.
  19. He's fat?
  20. Happy Birthday there, Harding!
  21. From what I've seen, there hasn't been any major updates on the GameMe stats plugin...
  22. Whoa, that signature is way too big Coogan.... http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=806
  23. Haha, I've seen that commercial.
  24. I don't have a smart phone....
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