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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Thanks for the demo. We've banned him permanently for mass TKing and TWing, it has been determined that he was not hacking though. Note: If you want us to take the request seriously, I would suggest refraining from insulting our admins, just keep those comments to yourself.
  2. Oh yeah, happy birthday you two.
  3. Reminds me of this
  4. I pulled the MG out the last seconds of the map before Gun-Game was setup. To be honest, I didn't expect us actually last that long, but who am I to break tradition
  5. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=4852 It might be server-side. We can open a support ticket if you think that would help. They almost always suggest to move the server to fix it, but who knows maybe they have some good advice this time.
  6. This song from my childhood... It never ends... Original
  7. Gaming Laptops are notorious for overheating. Gotta keep them dust-free and a cooling pad is a life-saver. Turning your machine off and on frequently also puts strain on your hardware, the constant heat-up and cool-down is bad for any computer. That's all I got's to say about that.
  8. It's so true it's funny. It's amazing how it always ends in killing sprees. No matter what, it always happened.
  9. I like the makeshift headset. Here's my old makeshift mic. I'm sure a few of you remember my badass waterbottle microphone.
  10. LOL, who's on our "high council?"
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. It's the same guy. "BoneSaw"
  13. Way to go! Congrats.
  14. Apparently you have permanent ban. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll reduce the ban to 48 hours from now at least until the banning admin replies with a reason or if anyone that witnessed the ban can provide insight on what happened. Best of luck.
  15. Not sure if you're still reading the forums, Skip, but happy birthday anyways!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Unfortunately, it happens every once in a while. Other than having our server provider look into it and probably reload our server, we are unable to do anything about it. It only lasts a few hours in the dead of night and it happens maybe once every few months. We really don't see it as a pressing issue.
  18. Roger that Sergeant. Thanks for posting.
  19. 1st Place: Sweden (99) 2nd Place: Japan (67) 3rd Place: Germany (53) Hooray!
  20. Germany (55) Japan (67) Sweden (97) This is going to take forever. Or at least until someone forgets to check it... Say we call it and give out gold silver and bronze?
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