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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. It is pretty obvious isn't it, haha. I'm not the best at hack detection so I'll always second guess myself, heh.
  2. We'll review your situation and get back to you asap. Thanks for your patience.
  3. Name: "Dr. Phil" SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40620401 Reason: Aimbot and Griefing Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?et5brkk3hqrmjb3 Length of Ban: Pemanent Notes: I've banned him, just getting a second opinion and a demo on record.
  4. Germany (66) United States (37) Japan (49) Sweden (68)
  5. Germany (64) United States (39) Japan (48) Sweden (69)
  6. Germany (62) United States (41) Japan (48) Sweden (69)
  7. Is that Boustani?
  8. Germany (61) United States (45) Japan (47) Sweden (67)
  9. Germany (50) United States (55) Japan (47) Sweden (70)
  10. Parker hahaha, game over.
  11. Belated Birthday Happiness to you!
  12. Belated Birthday Happiness to you!
  13. Germany (30) United States (76) Norway (16) Japan (47) Sweden (53)
  14. Germany (29) United States (79) Norway (19) Japan (43) Sweden (52)
  15. Germany (30) United States (81) Norway (19) Japan (40) Sweden (52)
  16. Germany (29) United States (81) Norway (21) Japan (33) Sweden (49) Denmark (9)
  17. Germany (28) United States (79) Norway (20) Japan (27) Sweden (41) Denmark (15) Russia (12)
  18. Bullock, buddy... Not really a topic that should be pinned. I'm happy for your family and your new business, but I don't think this is really the right platform for advertising. I'll leave your topics up, but if they get pinned again I'll be closing them down. Don't abuse your moderator rights or I will take them away.
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