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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. He's not in BAR, just sayin.
  2. Banned these two for trolling/spamming. I wasn't there to witness what was happening, keep an eye out for them. Let me know if they need a permaban. goldencakes2k4 -- STEAM_0:1:20456007 : 1 day xX*synth0l*Xx*420*69* -- STEAM_0:0:53468 : 1 day
  3. They definitely picked the best person to interview.
  4. Keep it in your pants.
  5. Somebody ban this spammer.
  6. *Military Police is for bans/unbans, this is more of a server issue. It's always been "warn-kick-ban" for offences like trolling and mic spamming. And for good reason: Skipping the warning is not a very good idea. Perhaps saying "I'm kicking you for *insert offense*, come back when you're done being a douche." or along those lines, as long as they know what they are doing wrong. Plus, it helps to let the server know an admin is doing his/her job. If admins ban and kick without warning all willy-nilly, there's bound to be confusion and pubbers see it as overzealous admins and will probably avoid our server. I'm not shooting down your request for stricter admins, if it's really getting to be a problem then admins do need to step up and administrate the server. I'd rather have respected and feared admins than pushover admins on our servers. (This is something that will be brought up in the next staff meeting)
  7. Yes, what Gooderham said Wells said.
  8. It's on the first post under what not to post, haha.
  9. Gooderham is not allowed to play.
  10. I don't think windows.exe is a real process, sounds like a virus... It's too bad you missed the realism though, we went 3-0. I don't think there will be any punishments, you did let Lt. Swartz know beforehand that you could not make it.
  11. GLaDOS seems quite a bit more ominous in the new game.
  12. Embedded the video for your viewing pleasure. Looks amazing!
  13. Wouldn't hurt. Even if you lose, you'll still probably have a ton of fun.
  14. Well, at least I'm saving getting the DLC
  15. You apparently haven't played Borderlands to give Cage the Elephant -1 -1 for Animals and The Cars? You sir, have no taste.
  16. Apparently Victor doesn't like Ziblat... Let's see if I can make up some points And if you don't like any of those songs, I'll delete your account.
  17. Yeah, I don't think I'll partake.
  18. I got Civ V when it went on sale for $30 a few months ago, I don't think it'll come back on sale for a little while.
  19. Now you just need this to dispense your beer
  20. I'm glad I paid full price on it! Really though, it's fun.
  21. I know, I just blew your minds.
  22. At my high school, they cranked the AC year round to keep the rooms too cold for girls to wear any showy clothes.
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