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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. You are unbanned, be careful next time. Note: When you type in all-chat, the opposite team cannot see your messages if you are dead. In the future, it might be more effective to apologize on mic or wait until you re-spawn to type.
  2. The last book that I read and really enjoyed was Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present by Cory Doctorow. It's more of a compilation of short stories, but it was great nonetheless. I like to read Dan Brown, Wilbur Smith, and whatever really catches my interest at the time. My mom got in the habit of recommending books to me, out of the ones she had me read, I liked Once Upon a Town: The Miracle of the North Platte Canteen by Bob Greene which was more of a documentary about this town that any and all trains during WWII heading to the east coast or the west coast had to pass though. The people of North Platte decided to open a canteen for all the soldiers that passed through. It's pretty amazing really, you don't see anything like that today for our troops.
  3. This weekend is going to be the first monthly Signature clean-up weekend. I'm going to try and get the admins that know how to edit profiles together and we will be removing images that are too large or do not follow the forum image restrictions. Like the Sergeant Major said, change your signatures now before we do it for you.
  4. Pangilinan, you might like The Pillows. 'Tis my favorite J-Rock. Not to mention, FLCL used their music in all their episodes.
  5. I didn't see Age of Empires, so I had to vote Starcraft. FLYING DUTCHMAN ftw!
  6. Would have been better if the music looped a little more cleanly, but it just sounded like a skipping record.
  7. TK limit is three. You can redeem teamkills by killing enemies and capping flags. The ban lasts 7 days. It's a strict auto-ban, strict but fair. You are not on our banlist, either it was not an auto-ban and an admin banned you for a short time, or the ID you provided is incorrect. Please check to see if you are still banned.
  8. That ID is not on our banlist. It was probably only a temporary ban. Word to the wise, killing multiple members and then leaving the server is frowned on by all admins, accidental or not. It just looks bad. Enjoy the server.
  9. Three cheers for Maj. Parker. Hip hip...
  10. not sure if setting launch options will do anything, deleting the clientregistery.blob forces your steam to update, you can find it in your steam folder {C:\Program Files\Steam}
  11. I can honestly say from experience, a second public server for anything is just a waste of money. We've tried gun-game, hide-n-seek, 24/7 donner, 24/7 avalanche, custom maps only, zombie mod, I'm probably forgetting something else, but my point is it just would not stick. It always seems like a good idea, and it's popular for maybe a month at best, but then it just becomes drain on someone's pockets. And yes, we've had people offer to pay for them or have someone connected give us a free server to play with, but then idiotic bureaucracy and entitlement issues take over, who's earned the right to admin and who's paid for it. It also becomes a drain on the main server. We're barely filling the pub enough during the day to even think about trying to keep two pubs active. We've heard about the mod that automatically sends overflow players to the second pub, but players join the full server for a reason, they don't want to click one server and pop out in an empty one somewhere else. Believe me, we've covered all possibilities. Until we have problems getting into our own servers around the clock due to overwhelming popularity, we won't even consider getting a second one.
  12. http://store.steampowered.com/app/21680/ I won't be buying the game, but the trailer is amazing. I don't like techno very much but this was good.
  13. I want one.
  14. Are you using any custom skins? I've had a few skins that filled my console with errors.
  15. This was my headset for the longest time until my dad stepped on it. It's the original SOCOM II headset that came with the game. Then I swapped to this random mic that I found and clipped it to a water bottle Now I just use the built-in mic.
  16. Nope, it means absolutely nothing. I have a hard time keeping a positive kdr myself.
  17. Sorry, must have missed it Hughes. It didn't show as his birthday until midnight my time.
  18. Happy Birthday bud.
  19. Now I have 2000 posts!
  20. That's Parker for ya
  21. Seriously? To start off, we've asked that the UWFL stop posting on our forums about the league and here you are, posting again . And now you've basically just posted a recruitment for your "community realism team," which is basically a unit, right? I know you probably did not mean for it to come across that way, but there's a reason we don't allow members to be in two units at once. Your realism 'team' would fall under this category for the following reasons. First, members of your 'team' are going to be obligated to attend practices and matches and whatever else is required to organize this 'team,' just like a unit does. Second, you require incoming players to 'enlist' on your forums and probably also maintain an active account to stay in the 'team, ' as a unit would. Practices would probably only be held on a private server run by the 'team' leader or the UWFL, as a unit would. I'm sorry to hear you guys are short players for your league, but seeing as we are not in the league, it's really not our concern nor is it the obligation of our members to fill in the slots. I've already warned Switz, and this is just insulting that you would even attempt to pull this crap on us... Your posts are now being regulated, any further promoting or recruiting will get you banned. Cheers from the 1st MRB Command Staff.
  22. Yeah, what a tragic disaster.
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