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Everything posted by Shank2

  1. Banned him and his buddy EM|Lucky (STEAM_0:0:47709127) for one week due to killing each other (teammates) quite a few times. Thanks for posting.
  2. Name: General Nizmennost Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:90177629 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism/Bigotry and general douchebaggory Demo Provided?: No Comments: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/182060
  3. Name: الجزار Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:196614022 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: 4th ban for TK'ing. Last one was a month. Now it is perm. Demo Provided?: No Comments: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/events/220319
  4. Name: Cat De Cade Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:190532278 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Wallhack Demo Provided?: No Comments: Just posting Ban Report for perm ban. See screenshot Cube took below. Wall Hacking https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/841462002713973853/3A691FC26828E569322242536C1B385E24910F52/
  5. Player has been permanently banned. Thanks for posting. Link to his HLstats below. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/236221
  6. Banned for a week. Thanks for posting.
  7. Banned for a week. Thanks for letting us know.
  8. Banned for a week thanks for bringing to our attention.
  9. The above tk'rs have already been banned. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Next time please go to the Military Police sub-section of the forums and post a ban request. See the link below. Happy Pubbing http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/forum/27-military-police/ Go there and fill out a ban request and we will promptly take care of the situation. If you have any questions feel free to add me on steam or any other MRB member for that matter. They know how to get a hold of the correct people.
  10. Name: mg takes skill Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:93425163 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism/General douchebaggery Demo Provided?: No Comments: This guy has had 3 previous bans for either: 2 for Inappropriate Language (1 day and 1 week) 1 for teamkilling (1 month) 1 for Spamming Mic/Chat (issued last night, 1 week) Also see part of chat log below. Racism and bigotry remarks will never be tolerated in the 1st MRB server EVER!!! Up'd ban to perm. 2 Jul 2017 20:49:27 FUCKING *bleep* 2 Jul 2017 20:48:50 FUCKING *bleep* MG
  11. Name: overzealous Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:215724057 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Hacking, no recoil Demo Provided?: No Comments: Using a different name to play on our server circumventing a permanent ban from Capt. Quarterman. Same person as Mel Gibson guy please see gameme page. http://www.1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/127709. I talked to this guy via private chat in server same guy....
  12. I'm good almost anytime time. So just schedule it and I'll make myself available.
  13. I liked the tournament. <----- On the winning team... ... And if you're on Vicari's team what you have to do is spoon feed him the passes... LOL... Sorry Vic had to. Ripley I know some play with a controller. I personally tried and couldn't play as well as I wanted so I switched back to keyboard and mouse.
  14. Banned for two weeks for not listening a second time...
  15. Get it on g2a.com Ripley. Usually $10-$14 on there. I finally hit Plat 1 in solo standard... Samuels and I get close in doubles but gold 3 is where we stall a little....
  16. Banned for a week. Thanks for posting.
  17. He was banned for a week. Thanks for posting.
  18. Banned for two weeks since this person plays here regularly and knows the rules. So I made this a 2 week ban since he has been warned multiple times before. Thanks for posting.
  19. Banned for a month to curb the attitude. If it happens again he will permanently banned. Jun 14, 2017 6:01:35 pm dont be a faggot Jun 14, 2017 6:00:55 pm you are probably jewish Jun 14, 2017 5:59:29 pmf ucking idiot
  20. Banned for 3 days for first offense on this steam account.
  21. Name: Arioch Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:30615035 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: "Pro nazi and white power speech even after multiple warnings, antagonizing pubbers. homophobic as well as antisemitic comments. just a all around unpleasant dick. had multiple warnings." This type of behavior will never be tolerated in any MRB server. Ever... Demo Provided?: No Comments: This type of behavior will never be tolerated in any MRB server. Ever...
  22. Perm banned after I had another person message me about this same stuff with this guy. Thanks for posting.
  23. Name: zer02 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:210092122 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: After receiving multiple complaints about this guy from several people and after reviewing his chat logs this is not the type of person we want around in the pub server. Disrespect towards admins and others will never be tolerated in our servers. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Link to chat log below. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/228856
  24. Name: Cory in the Hizzouse Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:60591140 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism and bigotry after being warned multiple times. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Link to chat log below. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/197468
  25. Name: gravelite Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:35035879 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism and Bigotry will never be tolerated on our servers... Ever. Demo Provided?: Comments: See Below In less than 2 minutes in the server, he wrote this: 9 Jun 2017 22:05:30 dreamer is a fucking *bleep* 9 Jun 2017 22:05:51 striker is also a *bleep* 9 Jun 2017 22:06:01 sorry *bleep* 9 Jun 2017 22:07:01 cry about it *bleep*s
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