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Everything posted by Shank2

  1. I hear you. My one old("no longer") friend has the same tattoo I have on my arm on his shoulder. My brother wants one of those tattoos that says something one way you look at it and says brothers if you look at it a different way. Not my thing but if that's the connection he wants for us I'm game.
  2. You say goodbye, but all I want is hello. I can't watch you cry, but my heart was to slow. There is nothing left to do, except catch that last smile. I said no, but I knew it was a never ending last mile.
  3. The years keep burning, But all I can do is blink. And yet the world keeps turning, So do I save the last drink? Are you going to come back, or will you stay afar? I can't get my heart on track, and there's a pounding from the scar.
  4. The time for goodbye is near. We've loved without threat of regret. But there is something coming that I fear. Has another door opened since we've met?
  5. I pretty much only play world of tanks on the One. Mostly just used for hulu and netflix via the wife!
  6. so what you're saying is you can't find the other two tattoos you have... Were you drinking when you got them? Or are you embarrassed of the male tramp stamp of my initials on your back?
  7. ^ weak
  8. If some of the female/male forum goers do not read the title properly that is their fault! <---- That means you Quarterman. Hence the NSFW designation. Only thing I don't want to see is pierced male nipples... Leave the bondage stuff in the closet pls~
  9. You mean the ink from the tattoo gun wouldn't work at first...
  10. ^ I see someone fell in love with the Boondock Saints! Should have got it on your hands like in the movie.
  11. What I like about Gearhart's is the faded first try marks around the perimeter of the heart! Almost like it didn't go right the first time.
  12. Hopefully this can become a common thread to post on for MRB and Bar members!!! Pubbers and forum goers are welcome as well! Please remember though this subforum's topic states some images maybe be NSFW!!! This is on my right forearm. My best friend died in a car wreck when we were 21. These are his initials. I have another on my back but have to wait for the wife to get home as I am above selfies in the bathroom. <---- I would be the guy that forgets I'm naked in the background of the mirror.
  13. Name: Chantz Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:148599052 Date & Time of ban: 3/7/2017 9:46 ish pm Admin who banned you: Shank <===me Reason we should Unban: Was trying to get name changed aimbotter but got wrong person. 2ndLt. J. Candy already took care of unban.
  14. Name: Kondor-P4⠀ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:204703527 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: TK'ing name changer Demo Provided?: No, Same guy that changes names and tk's. I'll give him credit he is persistent. Candy, Pilon, and Pigeon all there, but I was faster!!!
  15. *Bump* Lets get this months article in early... Shank Gilmore Turner
  16. Moffat said he wants to start around 8PM EST. I'll probably be on a little before that.
  17. Name: B̞OT Alex Steam I.D: 0:0:204891395 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: TK'ing name changer Demo Provided?: No, Same guy that changes names and tk's. I'll give him credit he is persistent. Muppet, Alpha, and Pilon all there, but I was faster!!!
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/sweden-wants-reintroduce-military-conscription-112553992.html Sweden institutes military draft for both men and women Jan m. Olsen, Associated Press,Associated Press 20 minutes ago COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- Sweden's left-leaning government instituted a military draft for both men and women Thursday because of what its defense minister called a deteriorating security environment in Europe and around Sweden. Sweden abolished compulsory military service for men in 2010 because there were enough volunteers to meet its military needs. It has never had a military draft for women. The government said "the all-volunteer recruitment hasn't provided the Armed Forces with enough trained personnel. The re-activating of conscription is needed for military readiness." In September, non-NATO-member Sweden stationed permanent troops on the Baltic Sea island of Gotland. Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist described the move as sending a signal after Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea and its "increasing pressure" on the neighboring Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. There have also been reports of airspace violations by Russia's military aircraft in the Baltics and a military buildup in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, which sits across the Baltic Sea from Sweden. About 20,000 people now work for the Swedish armed forces, 84 percent of them men and 16 percent women, according to the forces' website. But the armed forces lack 1,000 active troops as well as 7,000 reservists, according to Sweden's coalition government of Social Democrats and Greens. Under the plan approved Thursday, at least 4,000 18-year-olds could be called up each year. Swedes will still be able to volunteer for military service. The Swedish government, which often has described itself as "feminist," said "modern conscription is gender neutral and will include both women and men." Hultqvist said he had been inspired by neighboring Norway, which in 2013 introduced a law applying military conscription to both sexes. That made Norway the first NATO member to draft both men and women, joining a tiny group of countries around the world, including Israel. Conscription was introduced in Sweden in 1901, but had gradually wound down and was formally canceled 109 years later. During the Cold War era, nearly 85 percent of Swedish men were drafted into the army due to the nearby threat of the Soviet Union. The average term of service was around 11 months. In 2015, Sweden's military expenditure dropped to 1.1 percent of its gross domestic product, down from 2.5 percent in 1991 as the Cold War came to an end, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. On Tuesday, Micael Byden, head of Sweden's armed forces, said an additional 6.5 billion kronor ($718 million), or a 15 percent budget boost, was needed to increase the country's military's capabilities in the coming years. This was to be added to the 45 billion kronor ($5 billion) the government had earmarked for 2017.
  19. Got it yesterday. Very fun when you get a half decent crew. Just don't let Small be the Captain...
  20. I will gladly let you buy it for me!
  21. Shiiittt N64 is a new fangled gaming system. Booher remembers playing pong on an oscilloscope. <--- If you don't know what that is buy a bullet and rent a gun.
  22. I want to open this up to our pub regulars as well. WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PETS!!! Every month I write up an article on someone's pets. Last month Gilmore told us about his rabbit and the month prior the article was about my two dogs. All you have to do is message me a short story and some pictures of your fur babies and we will get them in print (digital). There is still time to get an article in before next months newsletter!
  23. Sounds like a plan to me. Moose and Roe Deer hunting during the day and DoDs at night...
  24. Um I didn't know you had moose.... We are going hunting!!!
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