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Everything posted by Shank2

  1. Raptr is super annoying to have enabled. I have this disabled to stop any further issues I have with it as well.
  2. Name: Mick Taylor Steam I.D: 0:0:75644959 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Hacking, no recoil Demo Provided?: No Comments: Using a different name to play on our server circumventing a permanent ban from Capt. Quarterman. Same person as Mel Gibson guy please see gameme page. http://www.1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/127709 This guy keeps trying this. He is from Melbourne, Australia and uses a support with no recoil hack. This is his fourth different perm ban. This steam id was already perm banned. I don't know who unbanned it since Capt. Quarterman was the person who banned him.
  3. You know I'm down. Just don't make it for a time that is, how do I say this, shitttyyyy....
  4. Name: Patrick Bateman Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:199969765 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Hacking, no recoil Demo Provided?: No Comments: Using a different name to play on our server circumventing a permanent ban from Capt. Quarterman. Same person as Mel Gibson guy. This guy keeps trying this. I've talked to him via steam message a bunch of times now telling him he is not welcome and will not listen and keeps creating accounts to play.
  5. It does that to everyone. I imagine auto detect doesn't actually do anything yet.
  6. It shouldn't be a conflict. I run a Radeon R7 360 with only low FPS because the graphics card isn't the greatest. And after this last patch my fps went to a steady at least 40 on omaha which was 15-25 last week.
  7. Do you ever receive any issues/warnings related to sound/audio devices or drivers? And as stupid as this sounds are accidentally bumping the windows key on the keyboard by the alt buttons? Happens a lot to people.
  8. Ripley, did Pilons suggestion work? Keep us updated.
  9. Holquist any more issues with this? They have since had 2-3 patches to help game play since this was posted.
  10. Samuels did the new parts help with everything or do you need any further assistance?
  11. Capt. any updates for this or have you given in to upgrading your computer yet :)?
  12. Holquist are there any updates on this?
  13. He was just killing the Maj and the the 1stLt. Should have been using the pistol... J/K Good work on getting better! Also look at those uneven teams... tisk tisk...
  14. Name: MILKMAN Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:1337257 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Circumventing a preexisting permanent ban Demo Provided?:N Comments: aka pwnzer. Avatar picture gave him away. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/220990 http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/183739
  15. ... I planned a trip to Ecuador in 6 months.... Wat a son of bitch...
  16. Thanks for posting that. One of the rounds I was actually positive!
  17. Just like you I have an older Phenom II, but mine is the 955 and even slower. I have upgraded my graphics since 2010 but only with a 2gb R7 360. Today I actually bought a new processor (FX-8350) and the same GPU Rather and I recommended to Samuels yesterday (Radeon RX-470 4gb). AMD processors although are a great value at the time are not great for gaming (they are roughly 30% slower than intels even with the same frequency). Also the age of your video card being from 2010-11 (when it was produced) may have a heating issue trying to keep up with the graphics. You can try overclocking the processor and it "may" help. Cooling always helps at least a little, but I don't feel putting a better cooling system into a 6-7 year old computer is worth while. Anyone else with ideas other than possibly upgrading?
  18. https://www.amazon.com/MSI-Radeon-RX-470-ARMOR/dp/B01N3TCNNW/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1485387706&sr=1-1&keywords=rx+470 The above card made by MSI is cheaper at amazon with free shipping. You may find cheaper on ebay with no sales tax if you search.
  19. Someone with a little tech background would be better for the GPU. I'm no pro when it comes to this. Also I don't know which motherboard you have to know if you have PCI-E ports for the GPU you might get. Marsden and Rather are good with that stuff.
  20. No if anything it would make it run cooler since there is more wattage and less demand. The power supply already comes with a built in fan.
  21. There shouldn't be since in the link you supplied it stated your tower was a mid-tower (standard form factor) case so everything should be standard (should be) being the the key words here. From the pictures I've found it appears it is a bottom mounted power supply which should matter to much. And from the description the supply should have enough power cables supplied to cover all your other hardware.
  22. I would go with this one so you never have to worry about capacity again: https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Power-Supply-100-B1-0700-K1/dp/B018JYHBE6/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1485377982&sr=1-3&keywords=computer+power+sup But the same supply in 500W is $40 instead of $60. So its up to you. You can get a pretty good GPU for $150-200 and $60 for the power supply and still have like a $100 left over for beer...
  23. After doing some research most of your SKU number computers were built with a 350W supply which will definitely not be enough moving forward.
  24. ^ Definitely older than I pictured you!
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