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S. Davenport

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S. Davenport last won the day on October 1 2019

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About S. Davenport

  • Birthday 08/22/1985

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    I am a full-time triathlete and coach! You can check out my exploits doing the things I love (Triathlon, Music, Gaming) over on my YouTube channel TriVibesTV :-D

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    Mauser Karbiner 98k

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  1. Hello Raiders! It has been months since I have played DODS and I have often felt bad about completely dropping off the radar here at the 1st MRB without any real explanation. Since I have always been a part of Bravo Company I wasn't sure if I needed to post any sort of LOA or ELOA and the days turned to weeks turned to months. I only just now hopped on steam for the first time in almost just as long. As you might imagine, I simply had too many real world obligations to fit in any time to dedicate to gaming at all but happy to report that I think I may be on the way to returning regularly. This past February I had a sudden and abrupt job/career change and that is really at the root of this. Before I was working from home on my computer all day which allowed for many opportunities to log on and play a few rounds and I did so 4-5+ days per week regularly. One fateful day I went over to this store near by that sells bikes, shoes, and swim stuff - everything a triathlete needs - and next thing I know I have an opportunity to leave my job to work in the endurance sports industry. I haven't really shared this round these parts, but if any of you have looked me up on Facebook you'd see that triathlon has been a hobby of mine for years. With my wife's support I decided to take a pay cut and totally change my work life. Now-a-days I run a store called Fit TRI Run in Galveston Texas and we sell everything from running shoes to sweet bikes to swim goggles plus we are also a multi-sport coaching company as well. For the past few months I have been getting used to my new schedule for work (retail hours) and also fitting in 12+ hours of training and my gaming time has completely gone away. More recently I have been spending any spare time I have working on completing my coaching certification and I decided that once that was done I would try to find a way to squeeze gaming back in because honestly I miss it! Last week I passed my final exam for the IRONMAN Certified Coaching program and I am very glad to have that done and behind me. I have a small back room here at the store where I can set up to play DODS and I am going to try to log on and play a few rounds as many afternoons that I can (between 2pm and 6pm CST). Never know what's going to happen because it is retail - but even if I only get 10-15 minutes a day that will be more than it has been! Not sure if and when I will be able to return to activities like BCTs and Realisms but for now I figure the least I can do is help keep the pub fuller and use the admin powers ya'll have so graciously granted me to ensure our server is not being abused by TK'ers and mic-spammers and what not. If there is anything major I have missed or if there is any paperwork required for me to return please let me know!! Otherwise I will see you on the pub and in the private (hopefully!) ...and if any of you ever had any questions about the sport of triathlon or any interest in signing up for one yourself please don't hesitate to reach out! p.s. I guess technically I have been playing a video game - but it is the online cycling game Zwift and I use it regularly for indoor training sessions :-p
  2. Yerrrr!
  3. Nice pic, Sir! Is that a Roland TD style kit? I have the super basic TD-4 personally and it is fun for quick jamming or practicing on for sure.
  4. Name: Columbine High School Janitor Steam I.D: U:1:839715097 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Inappropriate / Racially Charged language / Trolling Demo Provided?: No Demo. Player was being disrespectful and trolling admins when asked to change his name. He kept changing it to things that were obviously meant to offend people and only got worse in the short time he was on the server. Ouch That Hurt was also present and can vouch that the player definitely crossed the line. Comments: None
  5. Name: dodge charger Steam I.D: U:1:132022980 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Inappropriate / Racially Charged language Demo Provided?: No Demo. Ouch That Hurt was there too and heard it all. Ouch also nabbed his steam ID and sent it to me Comments: None
  6. 242 years looks good on you! Here is the official 2017 Marine Corps birthday message
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  7. Unfortunately I do not remember this specific instance of being killed by you nor can I provide any support to either of your claims. I heard the CWO say on chat that he saw you wall hacking but other than that I did not personally see or experience anything of that sort as I was focusing on playing the game myself. Sorry but I cannot weigh in to support either side here because I didn't see or notice anything out of the ordinary on my end.
  8. I was at Hansen for about a month in 2007... There was a really cool bar called 7th Heaven that had some really awesome live music...I think it was outside "gate 7" off one of the major bases...Can't remember what base might be Schwab. The Coco curry restaurants were good...You could pick how spicy from 1 to 10. I could barely handle an 8. There was a really good "American Steakhouse" somewhere I think it is literally called American Steakhouse. There are tours that go to Iwo Jima which I hear are amazing... Also I'm not really into karaoke but some Marines that were stationed there took us out for that and it ended up being pretty fun...Cheap drinks and food and friendly locals. Other than that I didn't get out much they liked to keep us on base for the most part due to trouble out in town. Not sure if that helps but figured I'd drop my two cents seeing as I was there for a little while when I was in the Marine Corps!
  9. Figured I would share of photo of myself and the "kiddo" I am always leaving realisms to go and pick up from daycare :-)
  10. Name: Oil710 Steam I.D: U:1:1743481 Duration of Ban: Up to MP Reasons for the Ban: Non-Stop Team Killing and wounding. Not responding to requests to stop from 1st MRB member (Me) Demo Provided?: N Comments: Screenshot of his score is included here
  11. It is the Marine Corps 241st birthday today! I just wanted to share that here and also share the annual birthday message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps:
  12. Name: StrizZl Steam I.D: U:1:43275730 Duration of Ban: Up to MP Reasons for the Ban: TKing non-stop. Racked up 40+ TKs in a few minutes. The screen shot was when he was at -26 Demo Provided?: N Comments: My first ban report...so I may have not done this 100% correctly. Had to do something though!
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