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The Batman BAR

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The Batman BAR last won the day on December 25 2023

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  1. Pretty sure it is also Ban Evasion
  2. Name: Letsnotturnthisrapeintoamurder Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:5497346 Demo: No. Reason we should Ban: This is not a straight up ban request. But....the name? I am not sure if that is something that should be mentioned/dealt with, etc.
  3. For the record the steam id here appears to be perma banned on the 6th here http://sixth.site.nfoservers.com/SourceBans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:0:693490724&advType=steamid He does not appear to be an actual SAC member so throw that in the pile.
  4. Name: This player is currently using the name: Daffy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:612013769 Reasons for the Ban: Cheating Recommended duration of ban: Permanent. I would actually recommend an IP ban but I suspect the player may use a VPN. Demo Provided?: N Note: I am currently asking for this as a ban but I would settle for a review. I did not get a clear demo of this player. However, I can't help but notice that the player is banned at multiple servers with notes related to "aimbot" and "anti-angle" cheats. In some instances, I would give the player the benefit of the doubt and I would retract my request if it is reviewed and deemed to just let them play by command staff. I have sifted through the bans here and I have not found where we have banned him previously. But I know that he got a perma ban elsewhere on 6-27-21 for something that got him a yellow flag on Vac. It appears that he was banned at the 6th the same day for a little less reliable open source "software" marked as Angle-Cheats Detected and the same account popped up again but using a different steam ID and IP address but the same photo, name and play style was again banned on 5-14-2022. The older versions of the software Little Anti-Cheat were less reliable. Current versions have been pretty spot on and he's been banned at least three times under three different versions of the software. He does not appeal the bans. He deletes the account and starts again, eventually getting auto banned either for creating the duplicate account by source sleuth or for various versions of "angle cheat" or "aim bot" cheats being detected. So, he's not being banned by a human eye. He's being kicked by different softwares that serve to monitor unusual ways to increase a players ability to excel at the game.
  5. Try the top number here. ID: STEAM_0:1:504730310 STEAM IDV3: [U:1:1009460621] ACTIVITY: 97.65% LAST CONNECT: 12 hours ago FAV WEAPON: MP44 Assault Rifle
  6. Tacking on to this. This is one of a handful of players (he also goes by Daffy) who have "come back" without having a ban lifted. They seem to have IPs under one account and then another account elsewhere in the world. No way to tell if it is a VPN but for some reason the source sleuth catches some of them but not all of them. Another recent example is one of the players named Berserker. He actually had a second account ban in a matter of hours that the duplicate account feature did catch. I ran into this player under Blood Snow recently. (The one listed for ban here) He at least had his smoke turned off and I didn't play with him long enough to see if it was a hack but I did dig deep enough to realize he had already had one ban. Under a completely different account and was using Mad Leclair/Daffy on our server but seemed to have a Japanese IP address now running a ping over 400 pretty consistently.
  7. Name: rogerbelloc and Fake Shemp Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:590221398 and STEAM_0:1:594313558 Reasons for the Ban: Team wounding, team killing, multiple rounds. Mic Spam. General trolling. Racism as well. Several regulars present including dvh, Private Phillips, Berzerker, among others. Recommended duration of ban: Have they been banned before? Demo Provided?: N
  8. Mana Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:21096077 Reasons for the Ban: Racism (again) Recommended duration of ban: Up to Admin Demo Provided?: N Note: So, Mana has apparently been muted on my account for probably years. No clue how long. Today people were asking she be kicked. I unmuted her and she was shouting the N word and the word Nazi incoherently into the microphone. Several others present.
  9. Very sorry to hear this happened to EB. I only met him once when he had just gotten his shield. I was visiting from another jurisdiction on an old case that had become a new case. He was exceedingly kind to me, as an outsider, and guided me through a number of steps on that case. Later on, he was kind enough to take my call on a different instance with the same suspect. I greatly appreciated his helpful phone calls. What happened to him has far reaching ripples that a lot of folks will never understand. I hope a measure of justice is found here.
  10. Name: Sgt Osborn Brah Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:21428365 Duration of Ban: Check his history. This is a pretty elaborate troll who is also Teamkilling or its a child. Reasons for the Ban: Team killing Demo Provided?: N Comments:
  11. Name: you already know who it is Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12005634 Reasons for the Ban: Friday night TK special. Chuckles and I were on Recommended duration of ban: Permanent if he's done it before. Otherwise discretionary Demo Provided?: N and he keeps coming back in under different names. His location is Odessa. Now he's Major Sgt. Dickerson
  12. Name: Cold Ina Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:57973067 http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/ingame/statsme/278318 Duration of Ban: Probably a perm. Reasons for the Ban: Extreme racism Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: Friloux was in there when it went down. A lot of it was over the mic. Not sure about the chat. I think he said he had a demo. At the end of the rant, he decided to go on a TK spree. When I left out he was in the negative teens.
  13. Name: Heresy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:15330155 and STEAM_0:1:3227722 Duration of Ban: Permanent. If they lie about it, double permanent. If they come back and whine about it here, I'd settle for six thousand, seven hundred and fifty eight years and a day. Reasons for the Ban: Ongoing active recruiting in the pub. Particularly after hours. Demo Provided?: N but they screwed up around 11:45 Eastern Friday the 15th and used the bind instead of doing it over the mic. Comments: Decimates the servers at peak times. Then they deny it. Then they do it again. It's getting annoying. They pop in to see if any 1st or Admins on. Then they do it anyways. Notbob may be less involved and I’ll admit I could have jumped the gun but he was closely timed to entering and leaving with Heresy. But Heresy is in the chat logs for sure inviting a nearly full server to realism.
  14. Name: I'm Bobby Flay, Bitch Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:5831486 Reasons for the Ban: Repeated instances of inappropriate language Recommended duration of ban: Up to command staff Demo Provided?: Y in chat logs circa 10-10:15 pm EST on Palermo, specifically the use of derogatory language based on gender/sexuality. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/265232
  15. Yeeerrrrrrrrr. Wait. Is that enough Rs? Seriously, though. Go Marsden!
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