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Everything posted by Mcree

  1. Both sides are in the wrong on this one...just saying nuclear war shouldnt be started over Syria like think about it.
  2. Roman metal, need I say more?
  3. frank's best solo....ever
  4. I appreciate the comments haha
  5. More then a chess game, the pieces are real people. A man once said "we are all kings or pawns, and fools" it's been a hundred years since world war 1 and it looks like the world is ready to go into a new modern world war the likes of which civilization as we know it will cease to exist. I am scared that we wont live out the next few years without something going out of control.
  6. And Putin just ripped up the nuclear disposal treaty......great COLD WAR FUCKING GOOD JOB KERRY FUCK YOU.
  7. http://news-hl-cm.newsrep.net/h5/nrshare.html?r=3&lan=en_US&pid=14&id=t23a74591vM_us&detail=1&ch=200014&app_lan&mcc=310&declared_lan=en_US&referrer=200620&showall=1 this is a little alarming, given that Russia and the US have been getting strained results in Syria, but now we cut ties diplomatically over Syria and we are now supplying more weapon systems to the Syrian militias, we are getting closer and closer to a more aggressive confrontation with Russia possibly. what are your thoughts?
  8. Lets hope it will be the final one.
  9. depleted uranium is used in tank rounds, any minigun system on an AC-130 gunship or A-10 thunderbolt , the 30 mm Apache cannon, the Bradley main gun and the LAV-25's main gun. the reason why is because it makes the round have a bigger impact and theoretically better penetration. Nobody expected the fallout though and Kuwait wasnt even close to the problems Fallujah has and the US as well as the UK has used these types of rounds since the Gulf War.
  10. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/toxic-legacy-of-us-assault-on-fallujah-worse-than-hiroshima-2034065.html wow this is kinda messed up, I mean damn dude Hiroshima never had fallout quite like this and that was an atomic bomb. They leveled the city with 10,000 depleted uranium shells and has caused irreperable damage to the civilian population. Guess that'll teach them for being in a city where terrorists happen to be.
  11. I was considering joining the weekend warriors, I wonder if a Topographical Analyst is an actual job. Anyone got any tips or comments about joining up? and I am trying not to get involved in active duty (can't really control that if my unit goes active.)
  12. btw for those republicans who don't like trump and would not want hillary, look up McMmuholland or something like that he is an alternative republican candidate god speed it isnt the end.
  13. people who I know personally who want to vote for trump generally believe ethnic cleansing Islamic believers is the only cure for the middle east is the solution, please give me a gun to blow my brains out.
  14. Name:Fresh Prince of Dickbutt Steam I.D: [U:1:180382] Date & Time of ban: 5/22/2016 Admin who banned you: muppetcunt whatever Reason we should Unban: my favorite compoer's name is apparently offensive. I am sorry I am more cultured then you. He uses his right hand to COMPOSE
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