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Almeida last won the day on November 8 2016

Almeida had the most liked content!

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Colt .45 1911

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Forum Admirer

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Community Answers

  1. Name: The Migrating Coconut STEAM_0:1:4693592 Date & Time of ban: 19/ 03 /2017 Admin who banned you: prob 1stSgt Logue Reason we should Unban: Migrating was banned by mistake, prob a bug or smth, when another tker was being banned by 1stSgt Logue. Plz unban him, I asked 1stSgt but he said he does not know how to unban.
  2. Helm is dry, helm is wet Helm has learned the alphabet Helm is wind, helm is fire Helm has sausages about to expire When he comes he has a shoe When he goes we see some goo
  3. I have no idea where to put it, so here we go. I'd like to request aubercy_b4 to be put in the custom maps on pub and pvt, the map is just great, much better than strand or foy_forrest for instance. cheers
  4. Name: OE Steam I.D: [U:1:75298387] Duration of Ban: up to MP Reasons for the Ban: TK and TW intentionally in respawn, he shot several players. Demo Provided?: No, Sgt. Wilson was online on my team and saw.
  5. It really looks like the avatar!!!
  6. Name: TheBaconCow STEAM_0:1:80932846 Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK at respawn and outside. Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: screenshot below.
  7. Name: I Pay For WinRAR Steam I.D: [U:1:6032477] Reasons for the Ban: Mic spamming, racist remarks. Recommended duration of ban: up to MP Demo Provided?: He was told not to spam the mic and he kept doing it, singing. Then, he started to say racist remarks against chinese people. obs: could not find the steamID in gameME.
  8. I think the MP should take a look at it, not exactly a ban request. This player "like a glove" was using our tags in another server, screenshots below.
  9. Happy Birthday!!
  10. Nice frag, I see Larson got in your way (but Duckers helped... lol)!!
  11. That's bad, especially because she was one of the best actors and characters of old starwars. May she rest in peace.
  12. Almeida

    Berlin attack

    As it was said by a german friend of mine: german economy is (not surprisingly) boosted by cheap labour and dumping. It is exactly the "secret" of any skyrocketing economy, China being the paragon. Now there is a shortage of cheap workers, only the turkish they let come in decades ago won't do, they need more. Not saying all is intentional to this effect, but hey, it is quite convenient letting millions of people come in without any passport and claiming they are refugees from Syria, disguising it as "humanitarian measure". Sadly Germany is not in the hands of germans, but international capital. Next logical step is legalizing all of them.
  13. Almeida

    Berlin attack

    Well, just to be clear, my point was that ppl have the right of having information, I wasn't touching the issue of hiding x acting against, so of course all you said is true and even more true if ppl know how, when, where and against what to act. One good example is the increased amount of young frenchs joining the army, police or any organization which can pro actively fight terrorism. They did/do so because of the huge commotion caused by those attacks in Paris and elsewhere which were the focus of scrutiny in international medias. This was one of the reasons I took my then fiancee out of eastern germany this year, I could see with my eyes the "refugees" everywhere and I knew they like to rage rape white women. She also didn't feel safe there. Germany is a place very different from USA or the UK, it was so safe that one could not see police often patrolling, women could walk alone during the night back in 2014 in Munich, in public parks which are pretty much desert. Now these ppl are everywhere doing easily these things because it is difficult to catch them (no cameras or no police or simply no ppl around).
  14. Almeida

    Berlin attack

    Media makes it worse for sure, but on the other hand I believe ppl should know who these people are and which places are unsafe. And if this was not broadcast in TV the terrorists would put it in internet anyway, as they did during Iraq war.
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