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Everything posted by Almeida

  1. Man, that lizard somehow reminds me muppet puncher!!
  2. Such as R.I.P. Ley
  3. I got them too since yesterday, hitboxes seem messed up as well using rifles.
  4. I can't make some sounds in english as well, at least not if I want to speak fast, therefore my accent is permanent in this language . I miss many stresses in syllables, and on top of it your language is so freaking confusing in regard to what is written and how it is supposed to sound, geez lol. In latin languages (romance languages) as a whole the same combination of vowels make up for the exact same sound most of the time, except for foreign words incorporated into the language. In portuguese (maybe in spanish too) 90% of words are stressed at the 2nd syllable. Now go figure why portuguese is so much more difficult to learn, I think it is because of conjugations, it is really a nightmare, but it makes the language sound smooth and pretty to listen to. Also, I feel I'm going to spit every time I need to put my tongue near my teeth to make the TH sound. This sound is crazy. But I'm glad you have a lot of slang. Yeah, I think imma grab a sammich now dude.
  5. Maybe not, let him clarify this. He said once he liked me bcz I could say his name correctly, and I say it in the german way, the ''G'' sounding like in Goat, ''ö'' sounding like in middle of E and O, and ''the'' definitely not like TAY, more like TÊ but the vowel going a bit up to A sound. https://translate.google.com/?hl=en#de/en/Göthe. Click on the listen button of left box.
  6. It is the correct way, YO TÊ I think is wrong.
  7. Is it Marsden pronounced as MARS[planet]+THEN?
  8. Next name discussion should be Göthe.
  9. Let The Police teach you this sound:
  10. LOL, ALL MAY DA (stress on may) - the last A sounding like the very beginning of OUCH! interjection.
  11. Lol, ever since I joined also at least half of the guys call me ALL MEDIA, I'm really not a CD collector or journalist.
  12. I used to play lightning there, 1 min game. We can play some, send me a msg.
  13. Name: gravity, IM BACK STEAM_0:0:52892120 Duration of Ban: up to military police Reasons for the Ban: intentional TW and TK. Demo Provided?: screenshot of negative, he connected and disconnected several times so his score didn't grew much for a good screenshot.
  14. Name: JuiCy-=ROLL=- STEAM_0:0:6778601 Duration of Ban: up to military police Reasons for the Ban: intentional TW and TK. Demo Provided?: screenshot of some below.
  15. Exactly, we gotta keep the morale high.
  16. Ok, so now post some pics with pretty women, I'd like to see them.
  17. mind boggling
  18. Name: KING_TIGER_1942 STEAM_0:1:129483868 Duration of Ban: 1 week Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK, disrespectful language used on mic. Demo Provided?: screenshot of his scores, growing negative each second, Brooks online.
  19. Name: joeamor STEAM_0:0:10322315 Duration of Ban: up to military police Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK inside respawn. Demo Provided?: screenshot of some TKs below, Davenport and Pardo online.
  20. Oh snap, no meatballs made in china for you this evening...
  21. Truth must be said: it was Russia who dismantled ISIS October last year bombing the hell out of the radical scum. We are surrounded by propaganda, so it is useful at least to check out the Russian and try to figure out some details in this whole thing. Just search in YouTube some videos of Putin and you will see what he has to say in conferences with american journalists. Examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KHCNk9BYy4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYo93v3qJnU
  22. Shank is the tall dude coming out of the black car, the guy with beard and glasses is likely the cameraman. Ppl fish like that here too in the ocean.
  23. I think this is very bad, USA and Russia should cooperate somehow, it is sad that History will repeat itself and we are getting closer to another major conflict.
  24. Name: Batman STEAM_0:0:78540347 Duration of Ban: 2 weeks Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK inside/outside respawn. Demo Provided?: screenshot of some TKs below, he did it a lot while I'm posting this, Helm and Pardo online.
  25. Name: Diktator STEAM_0:0:72093566 Duration of Ban: up to military police Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK inside respawn. Demo Provided?: screenshot of some TKs below
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