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Everything posted by Almeida

  1. Name: [BZH]™ Brako STEAM_0:0:4774688 Duration of Ban: up to military police Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK/TW inside and outside respawn. Demo Provided?: no screenshot, but Matovich complained several times and other regular pubers were there complaining.
  2. Are we talking about the same meatballs? wåw SgtMaj, wåw...
  3. They are Ikea's meatballs, made in Stockholm -- China.
  4. Name: Alex Jones' Conspiracy STEAM_0:0:183817270 Duration of Ban: 3 weeks Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK inside respawn, I was contacted by Tan Man but could not find any admin to call to forums, the guy TKed so much that his negative score is hidden in the menu. Demo Provided?: Tan Man on forums, screenshot of some TKs below.
  5. Name: Captain Cat STEAM_0:0:183558828 Duration of Ban: up to military police Reasons for the Ban: intentional TW outside respawn, intentional TK inside respawn, spamming voice commands. Demo Provided?: Matovich on server, screenshot below of him setting up MG in respawn and shooting.
  6. Name: SoulessRJ STEAM_0:0:31294799 Duration of Ban: 1 week Reasons for the Ban: intentional TW in respawn, shooting through team mates Demo Provided?: screenshot of the last time he killed me, he fired an MG in respawn area, giving me damage and other pubers, he punched Darcy Bunker in respawn area, etc.
  7. Well, first I think our admins do a great job, I'm posting a general question to clarify a point in a situation which has nothing to do with me. Ultranator's response makes sense, if the foreign language is getting in the way the admin might mute people. I'd say it boils down to no mic spamming, this is the rule being broken, so the usage of some phrases in foreign language should not be per se a reason to mute, to kick or to ban if I understood correctly. The reason I posted it is because people, english speaking people to be precise, complained in a pm to me that the admin simply muted someone who said a couple of phrases not in english, and taking actions based on not clearly written rules can, and surely will, shy away people from the server, they simply get upset and play in another server. Don't we want regular and good pubers around? Good players who might get to know, and even join, the unit? So my 2 cents on this: the server comes first than the desires of one among many admins, which means clear rules to be reinforced by the admins more or less uniformly.
  8. So a puber came to me saying that there is no written rule in MOTD stating it is an english only server. She is right, it is not currently written. They get upset if they are kicked for something not clearly written in the rules in MOTD. I suggest an update stating all the rules, in particular this one, if this is the desired rule. If it is not a problem, then imo we cannot kick, mute or ban people based on the fact they spoke some foreign language, only if it is clearly written in MOTD.
  9. Name: brmyankees STEAM_0:0:80103358 Reasons for the Ban: racial slurs, mic spam, racism Recommended duration of ban: 1 week at least Demo Provided?: Hostage in the server along with regular good pubers like princess
  10. Name: BlitzPT STEAM_0:0:15444319 Reasons for the Ban: Team Wounding Recommended duration of ban: 4 days Demo Provided?: screenshots below show he was on my team, I was in respawn in avalanche and he shot me, he did it other times.
  11. oh, classical?...
  12. Name: [YKZA]FireBlue STEAM_0:0:11955779 Reasons for the Ban: TK at respawn Recommended duration of ban: Up to Military Police Demo Provided?: screenshot below
  13. Name: RodrigueZ* STEAM_0:1:37651927 Reasons for the Ban: Team Wounding/Revenge TK Recommended duration of ban: Up to Military Police Demo Provided?: Deathfly complained with me but he didn't know how to send me a screenshot, so he copied from console some damage taken (he said it was intentional more than once), as seen below. I myself got revenge TK by rodriguez a couple of times too, I didn't bother bcz he is otherwise regular good player with no other issues as far as I know.
  14. Name: jblamonsoff STEAM_0:1:155463989 Reasons for the Ban: TW me and others at respawn with MG and disrespecting players, when told not to do it politely by Sgt. Shank he started to offend him (second screenshot) Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: screenshots below
  15. Is that part of the Strait of Hormuz Iranian territory?
  16. Name: Major Barbarossa STEAM_0:1:1447836 Reasons for the Ban: TK at respawn Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: screenshot below
  17. It is safer than driving a car, indeed. But, are you sure you can jump alone as a first timer? That would be crazy and I'm not sure whether they allow you to do it. I'd recommend you to do it with an instructor first to feel the pressure !!! Just in case (and bcz I like you leading realisms hahaahahah)
  18. I always wanted to do it. I know ppl who have done it, temperature won't matter bcz you will be freaking scared and heart bit at maximum. Bring extra pants ... (don't drink bcz it will ruin the experience). But seriously now, all of them say it is awesome. EDIT: oh, and you won't need to be pushed, you won't jump alone but strapped to the instructor.
  19. Name: mee Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:175936270 Reasons for the Ban: excessive TK and shout on mic: fuck you americans Recommended duration of ban: 1 month Demo Provided?: screenshot below
  20. Oh, it is a duplicate, Smith already posted it.
  21. Name: bossman Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:83619812 Reasons for the Ban: TW when told not to do it 2 times Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: screenshot below with damage I took from him
  22. Happy birthday Boone, I wish you the best.
  23. Name: Jax1cö Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:109226151 Reasons for the Ban: disrespecting other players and spamming voice command Recommended duration of ban: 3 weeks Demo Provided?: Pvt Smith asked him/her not to spam the voice command, then he replied as follows: Jax1cö: stfu private pile ThunderHound: sorry Jax1cö: you have no authrity private princesslillyfee: what a spiteful lil sucker ^^ U.S. Army score 1 point (Voice) edek-leszczyk: Medic! Pfc. R. Almeida [1st MRB]: Jax1co respect other players or get a ban, this is a warning Player Heron has joined the game [SM] Ҳτгεӎε ⁞ Vῼn made a headshot (Dead) PAPA JOHN(cant hear): medic Jax1cö: ban me mr private pretending to be an admin
  24. Name: BuZzKiLL STEAM_0:1:2509804 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive TK, he was told not to do it for 2 maps Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks (he looks like a new player) Demo Provided?: he left the server before i could take a screenshot, raiders online: GySgt Gougeon, GySgt Reis and Pvt Smith.
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