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S. Hunter

Distinguished Civilian
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    Mauser Karbiner 98k

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  1. Name: Жан-Жак /-90 Steam I.D: U:1:184071237 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional tk of me and another allied player in spawn Recommended duration of ban: 1 week? Demo Provided?: Y/N
  2. Name: Riddick Steam I.D: STEAM U:1:19790312 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TKing in spawn with rocket Launcher Recommended duration of ban: 1 week? Demo Provided?: N
  3. I've been playing on the server and everything seems fine now Sir!
  4. Dude our game with everyone after was amazing, we need to have some game nights together
  5. pssh whatever, ill take the tags xD
  6. No worries, your death will be just as quick and painless.
  7. So I'll be using swayne tonight, they apparently nerfed anivia hard o.o My League Name is: Sinfull
  8. If their are any League of Legends players here I was thinking of getting something fun started enjoying other games on free time! Friendly challenges where you post here and they reply to accept. I am looking to Challenge Captain M. Mcdowell to a 1v1 Match, I'll be live streaming it with Nvidia Graphics and it'll be happening tonight, I'll update the time. The loser of the match gets his opponents tags for 1 yr
  9. You read the title right, google maps allows you to play pac man in most cities/towns that have multiple connecting streets. https://www.google.ca/maps/@38.9133606,-77.049828,18z/data=!1e3
  10. Gah, Logan, just seen it over the weekend. That scene is so heartbreaking, men can cry right?
  11. I will gladly swab the poop deck! How expensive is the game?
  12. Conkers Bad Fur day is a nintendo 64 classic o.O Idk what you're taco ing about
  13. Do you even Conkers Bad Fur Day? EON Hunter The Division Battlefield 3,4,and 1 Rocket league World of tanks Sniper Elite series... etc
  14. I play with a friend of mine if you want to join us from time to time, scorched earth and regular. sometimes modded servers, 3x to 5x lvl and foraging
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