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Warren 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Warren 1st MRB last won the day on July 17 2024

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About Warren 1st MRB

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  • Location
    New Brunswick, Canada

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Springfield Sniper Rifle

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Community Answers

  1. Name: ELVENDEDORDETACOS Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:615695767 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racist language Demo Provided?: Yes @ following LINK Comments: Was brought to our attention by Elf and dealt with accordingly, proof is at link in the demo section.
  2. Player has been banned, as always thank you for bringing this to our attention Elf.
  3. USA (78) England (36) Norway (31) Sweden (45) Germany (47)
  4. For reference please view the following material in chronological order starting in 2020 until current day: January 5th 2020, you were warned and failed to follow simple instructions : https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/38303-i-was-ban-i-would-like-to-be-released-i-wont-mistake-more/#comment-245816 February 25th 2020, you were denied: https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/38370-release-my-voice-on-the-server/#comment-246171 September 29th 2022, you were banned and successfully unbanned with the warning it would be your last chance: https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/44982-unban-request/#comment-269863 February 27th 2023, you were given the same examples here of why your ban will remain in comms and denied at which time you chose to dispute and ask if we are calling you a liar..: https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/45629-kindly-release-my-voice-and-writings-on-your-server/#comment-271595 January 30th 2024 you were told no again with the reason you have 40+ comm bans on file at which time you choose to comment on a senior mrb members sensitivity. : https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/46611-__-__-amnesty-please-__-___/#comment-274126 This now brings us to present day, in which we find ourselves dealing with this topic once again. The fact is, I could bring this to a command staff meeting and discuss it and the unanimous decision will most certainly be that the ban remains in effect. You were given your last chance about 15 chances back and thus there is no more resurrections. You may enjoy our server and follow the rules but you will NEVER speak or type in the public server again, going against this would set a negative precedent in regards to consequences that I as the MP Chief will not allow. Furthermore, any further begging or voice unban requests in the future will result in an upgrade to a general ban from all access including playing ability. You have been told no enough times now, it is time to accept that and either move on or continue playing and following the rules. The next comms request will be your final post in this forum. Thank you for your dedication over the years, happy gaming!
  5. This ban will remain in full effect. We will notify you IF and WHEN you can appeal. This is now pretty well 3 months in a row where you have requested an unban from a permanent infraction which we deemed very serious. Your behavior in our server prior to this ban was quite consistently obnoxious and disrespectful and as such the ban was a problem solved in the eyes of our community members. You should have thought about the consequences before making people feel uncomfortable with your childish behavior. A 4th unban request WITHOUT explicit consent from one of our command staff prior will result in this forums account being banned as well. I do not see an avenue for your return at this time or in the near future. Should you pm or beg any members of the 1st MRB this will also result negatively in your favor. If you genuinely have a love for Day of Defeat Source I encourage you to enjoy it at your leisure in your own units public server. Good Day, Happy Fragging.
  6. After reviewing all of the facts that led up to the discipline in question and conducting a lengthy conversation among the CS, it has been determined that a reintroduction is not in the best interest of the MRB community. This decision was unanimous amongst the staff and was not taken lightly. The severity of these actions that led to the ban and the repercussions they had in respect to being black listed by most of the realism community make the overturning of the ban impossible in the present time as well as the future. We are glad to hear you have been receiving the assistance you needed in life to progress as an individual and I hope you continue to do so. This request has been denied, thank you for understanding and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
  7. Please fill out the correct form found at this link and provide the info required so we can look into your request further, a Steam name is not sufficient enough.
  8. You just openly admitted to impersonating a member of the 1st MRB. Ban will remain in full effect permanently. Have a lovely day.
  9. After a quick review the decision has been made to grant your request and lift the ban, please be sure to follow our servers rules closely as we will not hesitate to reinstate the ban should you step out of line. Happy gaming!
  10. The player in question has been unbanned, please inform them of our rules and that should another instance occur then the ban will be immediately reinstated.
  11. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, player has been permanently banned.
  12. You were banned on 08-04-2012 by imported ban. I have gone ahead and lifted the ban, please be sure to follow our servers rules closely as we will not hesitate to reinstate the ban should you step out of line.
  13. Given the nature of the ban and the effect it has had on members of the community as well as the attempt to dictate the length you are willing to accept, this ban will remain in full effect. Thank you for your understanding.
  14. Name: lightfoot786 Steam I.D: 76561199186105380 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Derogatory language directed at an MRB member who requested he follow the rules. Video Provided?: No Comments: Farmer reported to myself, verified use of language using RCON
  15. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, player has been permanently banned.
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