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Warren 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Warren 1st MRB

  1. If its really important i can give her herpes or something, i have a vile stored in the basement incase a situation like this ever arose.
  2. Germany (30) United States (43) Canada (45) Norway (32) Japan (11) China (3) Italy (18) Russia (35)
  3. Germany (29) United States (35) Canada (33) Norway (28) Japan (12) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (10) Russia (30)
  4. Germany (30) United States (27) Canada (27) Norway (26) Japan (14) Mexico (10) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (27)
  5. France (8) Germany (22) United States (25) Canada (22) Norway (23) Japan (17) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (22)
  6. I love a little bit of ketchup on my eggs lol, must be a canadian thing.
  7. naw they arent that big, dont worry about it.
  8. I know i haven't been around to much and i apologize for that, anyway just wanted to wish everybody a safe and happy easter and hope your enjoying some chocolate
  9. The sky is orange because russia nuked the usa after all and you are a 6 armed mutated piece of 3 eyed penis. I wish pigs could fly
  10. gameservers ofen equal homo's
  11. Hey buddy, I don't think your k1500 is going to out tow my ram lol... i tow a Cat 304 Excavator with mine all the time lol. But I don't doubt the k1500 has outtowed some dodge's, it all depends on how the truck is set up and if everything working right. what year's your truck lehman? Mine is a 1998 Dodge Ram 1500, V8 Magnum, and it rides like a dream cause i have air ride installed on it lol. I don't care what anybody says, it has 311000km's (193420 miles) on it and all it has needed is a set of brake pads and a new rocker panel, aside from that it has never broken down ever and its been pushed hard since its a work truck.. I can't really complain about that truck at all.. so i think you will understand why I think highly of that truck.
  12. *cough cough, chev = shit, cough cough*
  13. until your case of genital herpes and aids broke down your immune system removing your super powers. I wish i had the power to seduce a woman by just pointing my finger at her.
  14. To bad corned beef and yellow mustard tastes like rotting assholes and corned beef is the equivalent of the assholes you're eating. I wish I was an astronaut and could stand on the moon.
  15. Whats your view on the paranormal?
  16. Tim McGraw - Nothin to die for
  17. Hardin do you ever talk to ford ?
  18. Jesus, I lost momentary bladder control... asshole
  19. I went to University of New Brunswick for a wrestling scholarship, decided after my knee injury to call er quits though because my acl is fucked as shit. Anyway im working for a contractor learning the trades, attending the atlantic heavy equipment training at the end of April, I plan on starting my own company in the future once I learn everything i can learn.
  20. Guys Eva Longoria is a babe, sorry parker I'd pick her over you any day.
  21. Me after makin roster on the city's rugby team, we won our first game 62-25 Me and my ex gf Laura
  22. nice! Im listening to: Sweet Thing - Keith Urban next up is: Start a Band - Brad Paisley
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