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Everything posted by Warren 1st MRB
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Warren 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
Well said my friend, the world needs more people like yourself. I find it funny when any religious person passes judgements on a person for abortion, being gay, etc when the Bible clearly states multiple times not to judge others. Luke 6:37 "Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven" Jame 4:11-12 "Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?" -
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Warren 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
Want to quote where I said anywhere at all that ALL of those people are bad? I said follow your religion, be happy, mind your own business and enjoy life. I don't care what race, religion, political agenda you follow, at the end of the day we are all one species deeply divided over stupid shit. I also don't understand where hatred or intolerance come in to the picture as I never stated I hate anybody, and I tolerate every individuals right to practice or do what they want as it is their life to do so and it does not effect me. The only intolerance I can see is with pro life supporters being offended that others might be ok with abortion but since it goes against their beliefs they need to cry about it and set women's human rights back decades. Everybody thinks their opinion matters, when really it doesn't. People need to worry about their own lives and leave other humans to do as they want plain and simple "bro". -
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Warren 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
It would appear I've triggered you, so lets settle this. My opinion, is that religious people are entitled to their beliefs and values however to push those beliefs and values on many other people is absolute horseshit. It may be against their scripture, and as revered as you claim it may be, there are others of us out there who do not follow and should not be forced to follow this said scripture. So in essence, I don't personally give a fuck what your beliefs are, if a person chooses to be gay, chooses to get an abortion, it is not your choice or any religious followings choice of what they do to their own body. You have a right to your own path, you do not however have a right to dictate the path of others who may not follow the same scripture or may perhaps like myself not believe in religion or god at all. I personally believe in evolution and science, and I've been "attacked" by religious goers for this perspective numerous times, so lets not go there. Intolerance works both ways. I'm not intolerant pal, I believe everybody has a choice to do as they wish and I respect that. If you choose to follow religion, good for you, it does not affect me and I'm happy for you until you drive shit down my neck and try to push it on others. Secondly I implore you to do some research before commenting on matters you clearly have no clue what you're talking about regarding the indigenous situation in Canada. Since you never did that allow me to fill in for you. The term residential schools refers to an extensive school system set up by the Canadian government and administered by churches that had the nominal objective of educating Indigenous children but also the more damaging and equally explicit objectives of indoctrinating them into Euro-Canadian and Christian ways of living and assimilating them into mainstream white Canadian society. The residential school system officially operated from the 1880s into the closing decades of the 20th century. The system forcibly separated children from their families for extended periods of time and forbade them to acknowledge their Indigenous heritage and culture or to speak their own languages. Children were severely punished if these, among other, strict rules were broken. Former students of residential schools have spoken of horrendous abuse at the hands of residential school staff: physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological. Residential schools provided Indigenous students with inappropriate education, often only up to lower grades, that focused mainly on prayer and manual labour in agriculture, light industry such as woodworking, and domestic work such as laundry work and sewing. Residential schools systematically undermined Indigenous, First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultures across Canada and disrupted families for generations, severing the ties through which Indigenous culture is taught and sustained, and contributing to a general loss of language and culture. Because they were removed from their families, many students grew up without experiencing a nurturing family life and without the knowledge and skills to raise their own families. The devastating effects of the residential schools are far-reaching and continue to have a significant impact on Indigenous communities. The residential school system is widely considered a form of genocide because of the purposeful attempt from the government and church to eradicate all aspects of Indigenous cultures and lifeworlds. From the 1990s onward, the government and the churches involved—Anglican, Presbyterian, United, and Roman Catholic—began to acknowledge their responsibility for an education scheme that was specifically designed to “kill the Indian in the child.” On June 11, 2008, the Canadian government issued a formal apology in Parliament for the damage done by the residential school system. In spite of this and other apologies, however, the effects remain. Thousands of unmarked graves from little children have been uncovered in the last year alone. So forgive me if I have a hate on for the Catholic Church and other religions. Growing up and being finishing my confirmation as catholic, I'm ashamed to have been brought up in the teachings of any religion that could allow such atrocities to be carried out. This isn't generalizing "bad" christians, this was genocide from the top levels all the way down. If you choose to follow this, once again, that is your choice and I'm not telling anybody they shouldn't but I also don't expect to be judged for my views either. I hope you're more educated now, do some research going forward prior to referring to people as idiotic. Have a seat, and a great day. -
Roe. Vs Wade. Overturned, out of tune of the people?
Warren 1st MRB replied to Scinta's topic in Politics?
My first comment on this matter, is congratulations United States of America for setting women's rights back a 100 years. I find it kind of funny that idiots like Mitch McConnell are so offended by abortion or a woman's choice to seek one. A man (if you can call that spineless puke that) can choose what a woman can do to her body... Using the whole, we're catholic excuse and using religion as your basis on suppressing a woman's right to choose what she does with her own body is fucked. Fact of the matter is, its a bunch of religious whack jobs imposing their stupid beliefs on everybody else who may have other views (typical catholics). Ricky Gervais says it best, if something offends you, nobody gives a fuck, nobody is forcing you to sit there in the room while some random woman is getting an abortion so move on with your life and worry about your own issues. If you are pro life, that's fine by me, that is your choice, but stop imposing your beliefs on others. Going off the words of a book, created by man, off the hearsay of other men thousands of years ago in a completely different language then edited to the likes of specific kings or leaders sort of breaks your whole #jesus told me to do it reasoning because it's bullshit. There are several "editions" of the bible? why is that, was somebody offended and changed the words to meet their stupid beliefs? sort of sounds like what the US is doing for women's rights at the moment. The whole pro-life movement is fucked in my opinion, bunch of people offended by the choices of other people who guess what, maybe don't preach the same religion, aren't religious at all, etc. The Catholic track record isn't something I'd be bragging about now days given the 1000's of indigenous children's unmarked graves across Canada from failing to "convert". A church filled with pedophiles, women rights abusers and hypocritical men trying to retain their control over women. I'm not saying there shouldn't be some rules and stipulations, for example in Canada, it's almost all but impossible to get an abortion past 16 weeks, which is the norm around the world. There are many many reasons for abortion, rape, underaged, not financially responsible enough (which for the record a single mom on welfare costs the rest of us tax payers money and potentially ends her chances of being a productive part of society because not all people are ready for such a challenge physically or mentally). Accidents do happen and sometimes the best solution isn't having a child. I have a child who turns 6 next month, and not every would me and my gf have ever of thought of abortion, same goes if we ever had another. That is our choice. Other people choose to do what they want, it doesn't affect me or you, so what's the issue? If I've offended anybody here, I'll start by saying nobody forced you to continue reading if you've reached this point of my rant, thus proving the issues with a society driven on hurt feelings. Suck it up, move on, life goes on, some other woman needing an abortion isn't ruining your ability to breath, your ability to live a full life and be happy. The bashing of Catholicism, is my opinion. I was born and raised catholic, was at church weekly as well as catechism. I'll outright say, I'm not proud to admit that. There is nothing to be proud of about the catholic church or their many many many shortfalls and perversions throughout history. The sooner we can learn to live together without all being a bunch of offended, judgmental, racist bitches, the sooner mankind can thrive. This is my opinion, respect it, hate it, either way it doesn't effect or bother me, you do you. We all have views and opinions, and that's ok until the point you try and push them on others. Don't be surprised if the decrease in abortion access results in the increase of suicide numbers among young women. Free abortion in Canada, tired of living in medieval times. Come on up. -
Time travel no, but viewing yes. The universe is ever expanding and the further out they can see technically the further back in time they're looking. Exciting times ahead for sure!
Name: Herpes Suplex Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8207938 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Was kicked for tk and warned, came back and continued so permanent ban due to 5 previous bans on record per instructions from Major Larson Demo Provided?: no Comments: Instructed to use permanent ban.
lol civilian quarters
TK Onling gaming term for "team killer" or "team killing". Used verbally as well as in typing. The act of killing your own teammate rather than the enemy. Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TK You've recieved 1 day for your non compliance of an admins request to stop doing the above. These rules are clearly stated in the MOTD and on these forums. The next time you decide to embark on team killing in our server, your ban could range from 1 week to permanent so bear that in mind next time you feel like being a troll.
My pockets full of sunshine.
Awesome work!
The Harry DeWolf Class RCN's new chilly boat
Warren 1st MRB replied to Fielding 1st MRB's topic in The Slope Chute
The navy literally has nothing..they currently rely on the coast guard lol. The Harry dewolf looks nice. And I'm sure the sailors will appreciate the enclosed lines deck. They future proofed it to be available to other weapons systems.. just seems dumb to not have them right from the start.. shes got no teeth to serve her purpose. -
The Harry DeWolf Class RCN's new chilly boat
Warren 1st MRB replied to Fielding 1st MRB's topic in The Slope Chute
Wait till Irving shipyards in Halifax starts cranking out the type 26 GCS we chose. Now those are nice. -
The Harry DeWolf Class RCN's new chilly boat
Warren 1st MRB replied to Fielding 1st MRB's topic in The Slope Chute
Having seen this boat in person ( through work sucking out bilge water with the Vac company I work for) it's considerably underwhelming lol... 25mm pew pew cannon on the front and some 50 cals to defend Canada's arctic sovereignty.... fucking joke lol. -
Just finished the Mandalorian again, I've watching WandaVision as well and it's getting really good after the first couple episodes. Also I recently started rewatching Battlestar Galactica from the mini series on as I forgot how well made that was.
Name: Sam Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:587476819 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racial slurs and profanity Demo Provided?: No Comments: Was requested to take care of this person by several pubbers, entered the server to witness lots of racially unacceptable slurs. Verified their story by checking the chat logs and went with a permanent ban.
- 2
A reinstall may not solve you issue due to a few reasons, In your options when you right click dods do you have cloudsync check marked. I would recommend unchecking that, prior to any type of fix. Secondly if you google how to delete just the texture files from the steam dods folder, verify the integrity of the game files it should automatically reinstall any missing files to their stock values.
This is what i witnessed back in February before the covid wrecked life. GO HABS GO. For anybody who has never been to an arena, this is probably one of the most intense in the entire NHL when it comes to fan love of their team. The 25 cups and history stand for themselves. this is a must watch Sorry for the zoom in on Price lol the emotions were running pretty high when i was here, this is filmed with my galaxy s9 from the nose bleeds lol. 20200206_185951.mp4
FNFN Map Nominations January 15th 2021
Warren 1st MRB replied to Fielding 1st MRB's topic in Day of Defeat: Source
Strand, foy, subterrania, all get a vote from me to solidify their chances of making it, furthermore I'd suggest Santos and Almere. -
The 1st MRB Holiday Game Giveaway Rules & Leaderboard
Warren 1st MRB replied to Samuels 1st MRB's topic in Mess Hall
We successfully destroyed an enemy tank using team tactics, got lots of kills and more importantly observed bombing runs that just missed us. All in all it was a great time, contact Cpl. A. Scinta if this interests you!
The 1st MRB Holiday Game Giveaway Rules & Leaderboard
Warren 1st MRB replied to Samuels 1st MRB's topic in Mess Hall
Funny video, too big for Discord group :( Rip me
Warren 1st MRB replied to Race's topic in The Slope Chute
lol wow... just wow -
literally me every year lol, I wait for my bonus from work which used to cover a large chunk of it but this year due to promotions and shit i got a 1000 dollar bonus lol. I did most of my shopping in the last 3 days. Hoping to finish up tomorrow.... one year i literally finished at 3pm on christmas eve haha