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Warren 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Warren 1st MRB

  1. Must be something about raisins.... My fav bagel at Tim Hortons is cinnamon raisin toasted with cream cheese, Fielding will know exactly what tim hortons is as will any other fellow canadians haha
  2. Thanks for sharing this, I'm always intrigued with other countries customs and practices, grilled sausages sounds pretty awesome to me, prob pass on the wine though lol
  3. Growing up we used to sacrifice the unborn child of a soon to be teenmom. We would celebrate around a large fire while speaking in tongues and drinking eggnog mixed with spice rum. Was good times!! Now we spend the night at my wifes grand parents with our son and her whole family, christmas eve we play games and drink etc and we all wake up christmas morning for presents, visiting my family later on in the day etc. We started this when my son was born 4 years ago and it just kind of stuck. Aside from that we bicker and argue over ornament placement etc like the usual family haha.
  4. Who watched the live stream of the SN8 Starship sub-orbital test flight??? Apparently the flight went very well (minus the ending lol) But Elon tweeted that its a very simple fix. Any thoughts on these developments down in Texas??
  5. Name: Moon Cricket, The Sinatra of DoD, TSgt. T. Sprinkles [69th ID] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:564307001 STEAM_0:0:563826445 STEAM_0:0:563708404 Duration of Ban : Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Circumventing a prior ban, mass Tk's Demo Provided?: N Comments: 1st Lt. Barry and MSgt. Crafton were witness to this. In addition to this, these are the same person on multiple accounts. He tked with a mg and came back on other accounts after he was banned 2 times.
  6. Today all I had was lint in my pockets lol
  7. Yeah they haven't been good for a few seasons now... but you don't jump teams just because they suck, look at the Cleveland browns.. they still have fans haha. The Bell center is probably one of the best to take in a game, especially if Montreal is winning or putting up a good fight, the crowd can get you right into it even if you aren't a fan.
  8. Mann nothing better then a Molson canadian tall boy.. they do the trick... lol. I actually caught a game last February while I was up skiing at Mont Tremblant, they beat the ducks in overtime.. the atmosphere is insane, and I was also in the 400 section corner area similar to you.. there really isn't a bad seat in the house and the ticket was only like 60 dollars. And then literally a month later the season was on hold lol. I was there when the 1st cases were being reported.. 2 weeks after I got.home I had the flu for like 3 weeks... looking back it might not have been the flu haha but thr testing wasn't happening because they had no clue at the time...
  9. Well fuck... here we go, haven't posted in here since like 2009 so here's an update lol. A pic of my gf and son, a pic representing the best hockey team there is ( my fellow Canadians may not agree lol) a picture from my time at basic training / being in the army and most currently a picture of my kitten daisy using me as a bed as I type this lol....
  10. RIP, the news of this hits close to home as my brother is an RCMP constable in Manitoba. Still shocked from the east coast...
  11. I stepped away from gaming for the last few weeks, just needed a reset but even though I'm on ELOA... I'm always down for a little rocket league action, not thought involved and its nice to relax
  12. Warren 1st MRB


    Go Habs Go. Seen Montreal beat the ducks 3-2 in overtime feb 6 at the bell center. The atmosphere is unlike any other honestly. Hopefully they let domi play but its yet to be decided due to his type 1 diabetes making him higher risk to covid...
  13. Name: Da VID! Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:31050103 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Originally banned for 1 day due to team killing, upgraded to permanent once I realized he's been previously banned 5 times, 2 of which were in the last 30 days. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Witnessed by CWO. C. Wilson, SSgt. M. Crafton.
  14. Name: thug Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:40498 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Blatantly cheating, Goblin alt account. Demo Provided?: N Comments: SSgt's Kieth and Small were both witnesses to the incident.
  15. Just want to point out that the character from dayz i played is still alive to this day lol.
  16. I was thinking the same lol.
  17. Has there been any progress on this issue? I currently run around 280 FPS but occasionally I will get a stutter in game, lag spike which only last a brief second at most but its enough when sniping to get a fella killed. I've had it for quite sometime now, re-installs etc and still having it. Even on a fresh build of windows 10 or 7.
  18. Although technically more dangerous due to the hazards, it also works in your benefit as it greatly reduces visibility for the enemy as well. Be very careful for fallen logs/ trees as they seem to fetch you up if not paying attention. The wind factor is also going to add a new challenge. While in open fields it can really get blowing and causes a lot of ambient noise, it also masks the sounds of footsteps when you're listening for invaders, but I am fully confident in our ability to defend the front. I have 5.45 ammo as does samuals now i just need ammo for my sks. I work this weekend so it is unlikely i can play late into the night as we've been doing but i'll do what i can and look forward to my next days off.
  19. From what I've been reading gents, 0.62 is now on stable branch! which means most likely character reset for all of us, I'll be in tonight to re arm and supply. I'll tell you the new sounds in the woods, the leaves blowing around, birds in the sky and the wind effects on rain and smoke is amazing, as is the new lighting settings moon and sun. Smoke grenades, chimney smoke are all influenced by the wind. Look forward to securing the homefront with you guys!
  20. Well gents, i was playing this morning going on a loot run and the server acted funny just as i agro'd a walker.... i managed to escape and hide in a bush, when i re loaded to try and see if that fixed it, servers were all down.. looking into it they went into maintenance which was the cause for disconnect.. I just finally checked and my guy is wiped, which means they updated and we all have fresh spawns or the bastards cost me a life... let me know your situation
  21. I'll be hoping on soon if anybody cares to join
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