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Warren 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Warren 1st MRB

  1. I'll probably be on in an hour or 2. Just putting the baby to sleep and finishing a few things
  2. Last night even though I wasn't geared as planned, was a pleasure . Got my first kill guarding the supplies. Anybody doing any later
  3. I'm in the same boat for time wise but a few times a week should be do able. Hard to play with an 11 month old baby lol
  4. I feel my expertise is better served patrolling the perimeter. As far as guns go do you guys require 5.56 guns only or does it matter? I prefer the long range sniper rifles or sks personally.
  5. Lol too lazy to tent. I generally follow the woods and if I need a break I'll find a house on the outskirts of the nearest town. First object I locate before any of this is my compass lol. I've been wanting to play the last few days but my little guy is sick as a dog and so am I lol.
  6. Lol I try not to KoS but usually soon as they draw a gun I end them. That being said I'd take my chances with the wolves and woods
  7. Being fairly stealthy I will more then likely be coming to you guys fully geared from the northern military installations when I join up. I will hoard and bring as much back as I can as this is not new to me. I may be rusty but I've been ambushed and come out on top before so the long walks are worth it. Mind you I didn't have wolf packs chasing me before lol.
  8. I'll have to join in with you guys sometime when i get time to re gear, i use to play quite a bit. My buddy plays as well, camping the tent cities is good times lol. I've lost count of my kill count, but one thing is for certain, i don't attack first!
  9. Very nice!
  10. I'm late to post but happy birthday!
  11. I think you have some nice rides. I love that style of mustang.
  12. This is my 02 Saturn sc1, it's seen a few winters but none in a long time. Don't think this is any old saturn though. It started out in the street sportsman class as I started getting into drag racing FWD cars. All of my buddy's race their honda ricers so I decided to be the oddball and buy a car thats extinct so to say. A few years in after lots of research and a bit of saving she got swapped with a v8 Ls4 out of an impala SS, also being a fwd configuration made it fairly simple to fit this sleeper beast under the hood lol.
  13. Happy womb-iversary.
  14. I'm going with Grizzly. I think one standing roar sends Harambe running like a coward lol
  15. How about them maple leafs haha, I see you're still around. Last we talked things weren't so great and I left in a regrettable fashion, Even though that was a long time back, I apologize. I pub a shit load on my down time, not too many familiar faces any more. Saw Ford the other day but he was under some other tags.

    1. Parker 1st MRB

      Parker 1st MRB

      Yup Go Leafs Go!

    2. Warren 1st MRB

      Warren 1st MRB

      How long ago did you retire? good to see the unit still going strong

    3. Parker 1st MRB

      Parker 1st MRB

      Like 2 years ago I think...

  16. You need to go on a nice scenic driver, listen to jams that make you happy and take your mind off things while cruising. Always remember that things can always be worse, even if you think they can't. Life is too short, I know you don't know me yet, but things will get better just need to keep your chin up. We all have stress and that's why its important to talk!
  17. pppppenis?
  18. im only a few k away from my slugger in xp.. or should i go e2... not sure what i want first lol
  19. why would you want to resemble bruno mars, lol.. ick..
  20. whens this party going down, cant wait lol cant believe its already been 3 years...
  21. bickford im nominating you as unit retard till the end of time.
  22. nice lol
  23. i just watched this again.. i still dont know what to think of it...
  24. i play often, right now im working on teir 5 td though, im already at the hummel so i have no teir 3's or slots open to buy one lol add me though, blackout87
  25. I play a ton of arty, if you need help let me know. im getting pretty decent at it
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