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Warren 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Warren 1st MRB

  1. There is a reason moncton's motto is Resurgo. Once a ship building town turn to ghost town, we rebuilt.. then later on one of the largest CN rail hubs in canada until cn suddenly pulled out in the 80's once again almost killing the city.. now after rethinking and rebuilding, Moncton is one of the fastest growing cities in canada. growing from a population of 80,000 just some 10 years ago to an impressive 126000 as of last year.. this city refuses to give up. I'm very proud to be from Moncton, NB Canada, this city has everything you would expect from a place like vancouver or toronto, but with a more personal touch and closer knit community... This video tells it all... with the exception of the annoying business lady parts which i think she is a retarded skank lol..
  2. lol wtf....
  3. I absolutely love my m10 wolverine, cant wait for my slugger though... however.. i rape shit with my hummel, unfortunately thats where im stopping on the spg german tree, gw panther is like 118000 exp..
  4. Happy Womb extraction day man!! And parker.. i completely agree lol.
  5. Very basic math lol.. and what parker said is completely right lol i think kirk is giving logsdon the "holy fuck you really are retarded look" lol thats not an approval of any kind...
  6. I guess since my original picture on page 1 is ancient i will update to a new one here
  7. who wants to be mine? since brown is a whore i want somebody new.
  8. was going to edit my post and say this but you did it for me ha
  9. Lmao who here admits to liking DBZ? i know i did haha. i like how he says im a human that can run.... of course he can run he looks like he is from kenya lol
  10. so thats what those pictures were i received in my inbox :S..... i could have sworn you were holding a wart between your legs......
  11. best one was command & conquer red alert 2, and red alert 2 yuri's revenge.. i have both by the way if anybody is up to get owned. also have generals lol
  12. she can yoddle my nutsack anytime
  13. slightly annoying, sometimes funny though, but i would totally "gobble her meat curtains like a sabertooth tiger" as she once put it lol.
  14. This post made me question your awesomeness brown!! yikes, just yikes
  15. 8====D ~~ "i'll get a large with 2 smegs and 1 sugar please"
  16. 8===========D
  17. Just a notice to all who didnt vote for yanderson, I'm submitting you all for demirits.. that guy is truly the most retarded yerman of them all!
  18. ask one of the snco's about fixing your axis skins, or look it up on gamebanana.com, sooner rather then later as some people could view these as a way of cheating lol..
  19. Quoting this just so you can read it again in my post since its so awesome!!!!!!! I fully endorse this message! You should too!! VOTE YANDERSON FOR RETARD OF THE CENTURY!!
  20. **INSERT HALO THEME SONG HERE** that is guaranteed to get weatherdong to laugh hahaha
  21. This is a song i regularly listen to while pubbing in dod alone with no vent or while im playing World of tanks lol...
  22. yep its a beast
  23. whats wrong with diesel? Way more power then a gas engine... and on the track that beast ran low 14's on the quarter mile... not bad for a 3/4 ton haha
  24. Well first up is my truck, 2006 dodge ram 2500 Cummins turbo diesel, 5.9l high output.... mostly only used for work with the odd time in the woods.. Then theres my 500 dollar winter beater, 2000 Ford focus ZX3 which yes i still beat the piss out of it at the drag track anyway haha.. You can see my civic in this pic as well, my father was driving the focus that day And last but not least my pride and joy.. 2001 Honda Civic with H22 accord engine swap (one of a kind, and a son of a bitch to do) Older pics but with the turbo currently on it and all the internals, im pushing 540 wheel horse power. These pics were pre turbo days.
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