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    Burlington, ON, Canada

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  1. Very sorry for the delayed response guys and I really appreciate these answers. I actually managed to figure it out right after I replied back here Monday night. As mentioned, the file(s) need to be in selected subfolders off of mycustomfiles. After playing around, I got the files to work in the following path.. mycustomfiles/sound/weapons. From there, I deleted the sound.cache file (whether this actually does anything or not I'm not sure, but it makes a new file every time the game is loaded..) The only thing I can't get to work is my victory win music. I am sure I will get it figured out. I can't believe how picky it is now, it used to be so easy back in the day! Again, thanks for all of the help you guys have been awesome and I hope this thread helps resolve some questions for others.
  2. Just gave that a try. No dice. Fresh install. Deleted my Day of Defeat Folder to remove any existing files I tinkered with. Unsure if it cleared any console commands or not that I tried, my keyboard settings remained the same which makes me skeptical if my console commands remained the same. Do I need to create a sounds/weapons folder perhaps out of mycustomfiles? These are older files but I imagine they should still work. Thanks.
  3. Thanks, I will give that a try and let you know what my results are. I also just tried a complete fresh install as I played around with a few files to see if it would work. I will let you know how it goes later this evening!
  4. Name: Ryan45 Rank: Civilian Type of issue: Software/Steam Brief Description of Issue: Hey guys! I have been fighting with this issue for a little while now and I am really unclear on what the issue is or what exactly I might be doing wrong. I am trying to install some custom sounds from gamebanana.com. Per the new Steam update that messed a few things up a few years back, I am pretty sure I installed them in the right areas, etc but still having no luck with the sounds working in game. Are there any console commands I need to enter at all to enable custom sounds? I used to do it a lot back in my CS days so I do know to do it previously, I am just unsure if maybe I am missing something here. Path for customs is located; C: Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Day of Defeat Source/dod/custom/my_custom_stuff/sounds I've been tried just putting them in the dod/sounds folder, with no luck. Also tried Day of Defeat Source/hl2/custom/my_custom_stuff/sounds Thoughts on what to try? I can't figure it out. I really wouldn't really care but the Springfield and Thompson sound kind of bugs me. Thanks in advance! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: SSgt. R. Shank Supporting Technician:
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