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Holquist 1st MRB

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Holquist 1st MRB last won the day on February 13

Holquist 1st MRB had the most liked content!

About Holquist 1st MRB

  • Birthday 07/25/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Delaware, United States
  • Interests
    Rock Music, Video Games, Star Wars, Hiking, Birdwatching
  • Steam Profile

Contact Methods

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    Use my Discord. @KidFlashMetapod

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  • Weapon of Choice
    .30Cal Browning Machine Gun

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Forum Smoker (28/91)




Community Answers

  1. Welcome back!
  2. I was also present. Player was rampant TKing as well.
  3. At practice on sturm Yoder leading: Fielding: PTS "In relation to sturm, where do babies come from" Yoder: "They come from your asshole"
  4. Hey Reis! Great to see you again, man. The unit means a lot to all of us and I know you were here for quite some time. There’s always room for you to come back *Salute*
  5. In the Dods pub last night, Pubber: *generally being an asshole* deadchick: “Now might be a good time to stop talking” Pubber: *BS continues* deadchick: *kicks* Pubber returns: “Be a man, ban don’t kick” deadchick: *bans pubber for 1 hour*
  6. Deliberately made 1Lt. Samuels the fat kid in open realism with me as leader Holquist: "You're so fat" Samuels: "youre so not funny"
  7. Thibeault, can't wait to read part 2 next month! Candy, you gotta tell us where that guy with the bow shows up? That looks badass! Tbh, Logsdon, I stopped after T2. My ex's fav movie is T2 and I told him "I won't watch that till we watch the first one" And he kept saying all the others aren't worth watching. He's a dumbass, so maybe I'll give the others a watch lol. As someone who doesn't follow sports, I was out at a restaurant with some friends the night of the bowl and we were vaguely paying attention. Couldn't hear anything, but Usher's performance was interesting even though I couldn't hear it and generally am not into his music. The commercials were...okay this year. Muthas it's nice to finally put an adorable face to a name. Chewy is absolutely precious I want to break into your house and dognap him. On second thought, Zoe doesn't take kindly to other dogs and never has. You can keep him...for now.
  8. Smith and I were messing with this guy in the pub who claims to have friends who "made 79% of the maps in the game [DoDs]" and he just hit us with this absolute gem of a line, "Zed Graystone: and It was I who legalized weed in most of states"
  9. I am no technical expert by any means, but the first step with any Steam game is to verify integrity of game files. This can be done by right clicking the game in your library, click properties and find this menu
  10. My big christmas gift was a Kitchenaide Stand Mixer and I cannot wait to use it for my next recipe!
  11. God I hate my work schedule. I wish I could be there!
  12. In late 2021, I started doing photography. I had always had an interest in it but never owned a decent camera; but my stepfather had one he let me use, and I fell in love with the craft just like I always thought I would. Fast forward to Fall of 2022, I was browsing the website for our state parks to find something to do over the weekend, I came across a monthly event for birdwatching that would happen the following morning. I was like, "Eh fuck it, why not? If I don't like it, fine, but let's try this!" So my stepfather and I went out to a state park at 8AM on a Saturday in September. The walk through the woods, down to the river, and looping through the park was great! I was already a frequenter of a few parks and I had been to this one a couple times, but now I'm going to areas I've never seen before! Wow, this is amazing. The walk lasted about 4 hours and my camera died about an hour and a half in, so I didn't get many shots. But I was nonetheless hooked, deciding to do this again next month. I attended each month for several months, and sprinkled in going alone. Hell, I even went out in the dead of winter when it was below 20oF! It's possible my attraction to one of the regular attendees was a factor in my showing up to the group hikes. As my hiking continued, I became acquainted with most of the regular birds you would see so I became more comfortable going it alone. Fast forward to now, I almost exclusively go birding by myself as I find the solitude more enjoyable and relaxing. Sometimes I'll drag a friend or two along with me and I enjoy pointing out all the different species we see/hear. If you have any interest in hiking/birds, I implore that you take up this fantastic hobby, it has lead me to the degree I'm working towards now, Wildlife Ecology! A great place to start is downloading the two mobile apps associated with the activity, Merlin ID & eBird!
  13. So when I was about 13-14, my great grandfather gave me a flash drive with his diary from his time in the Air Force during WWII. I ended up losing it due to carelessness and moving. But last night, I FOUND IT!!! So here it is, enjoy! FYI, my great grandfather was William F. Neilson. Battle Diary of the 69th Bomb Squadron.doc
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