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Holquist 1st MRB

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Everything posted by Holquist 1st MRB

  1. Count me in!
  2. What about clicking several times a day while I put the STG in semi-automatic mode. Or possibly holding down ctrl and W while I rocket lap those last 10 pounds away!
  3. Got my tickets to see GREEN DAY on August 31st!!!! I'm so fucking excited!
  5. I'm gonna be honest. I still love CoD. And this game looks good. None of y'all shall sway me. I'm no fan of the futuristic shit. But I have fun with BO3 zombies and multiplayer. I'm excited they're going back. And I WILL be buying it.
  6. For a couple weeks now, the image of the current map on the pub doesn't appear. Not a huge issue. But I miss the wittle itty bitty picture
  7. I would drop whatever I'm doing to address an issue involving coughing up blood
  8. For anyone who can edit videos. Try this:
  9. Unfortunately, the video doesn't go into the even funnier part.
  10. The movies are gray. The TV is black. I see some horses. Please, bring me some food.
  11. This is my baby girl, Zoe. She is 9. Her breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback. They are bred in Zimbabwe for TRAPPING LIONS! My dog is a straight up badass!
  12. I haven't gotten around to doing anything new as of recently. Been a little busy.
  13. Happy Birthday, 2nd Lieutenant Gearhart!
  14. I thought this was about the XBone?
  15. I'm the one who plays it.
  16. It was my moms before I was born.
  17. Do you even Banjo Kazooie?
  18. I have one too. Play me in Mario Kart, bitch.
  19. What good does the 2nd "O" in my name do?
  20. MrFez90 Mortal Kombat XL Black Ops III Assassin's Creed Unity Fallout 4 Assassin's Creed Syndicate Witcher 3 I also play Xbox 360. I have a bunch of games for that, mostly I play: GTA V Black Ops II Minecraft Rock Band/Guitar Hero Modern Warfare 2 & 3
  21. Name: BELZEBONG Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19072480 Reason for Ban: Disrespecting Admin (Alpha Omega) Duration: Discretionary Demo? Paul and Darcy present
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